Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Blind Item #7

This foreign born former A+ list tweener turned A- list singer is really playing a dangerous game. He must know this A+ list singer has security cam footage of him using drugs and also beating one of his ex-girlfriends. He wouldn't want that to get leaked.


  1. MontanaMarriott1:31 AM


  2. Kno Won Uno1:39 AM

    And Swifty
    Beaver beating Selena
    Swifty don't play

  3. Did enty previously call Bieber foreigner former tweener? Cannot remember at this moment for some reason I have no idea of why this is happening now.

  4. S.D.AUNTIE2:31 AM

    Wow. That video would ruin biebs. No wonder Selena has not really been in a relationship. What a dog!

  5. longtimereader2:52 AM

    Apparently 'i knew you were trouble' is about selena/bieber.

  6. I think he has.

  7. Ok then!!3:43 AM

    The drug thing i can believe, but the beating.... Dont think so!! Like there have been no photos or anything of one of Justins girlfriends - and we know how much they like the publicity of being seen with him - looking like shes being smacked around and im sure they would sell a story like that in a heartbeat. The blinds ive read these past few days have been so over the top. Blind gossip really went all out yesterday!!

  8. cebii3:52 AM

    I don't know if she would release it now - too obviously reacting to him. Hopefully, she's mature enough to take the high road. Maybe she'll wait until he has something really important for her to ruin.

  9. Dutch4:31 AM

    Taylor will no doubt wait until this whole scandal has calmed down, and then when Bieber is happy....bam! I prefer Swift over Bieber and Kimye any day.

  10. Agree! There would be pics of the results somewhere by now. Plus there is the implication that he somehow knows how to "make a fist" and "punch." I imagine he is capable of little more than knocking himself out cold, or throwing an enormous hay-maker that misses by a cartoonish mile. His lady friends remain untouched in either case.

  11. Zilla14:52 AM

    Well, if so, then he's really being stupid by jumping on the "Bash Taylor" bandwagon. Blind Gossip has three current items about him, Selena and Taylor.

  12. this untalented infantile ppl (taylor, selena, bieber) can't sing...

  13. Studio546:48 AM

    Release it right now!

  14. Surly7:15 AM

    Sadly, you might be right. All that money, can't he get Mayweather to show him a jab and an upper cut combo?

  15. Patrick7:25 AM

    IDK. This has blowback potential for Swifty. Also, what is good for the goose, etc. Biebs might have some dirt on Swift. This might be a MAD situation.

  16. Kno Won Uno7:36 AM

    So, so many talentless 'artists'

  17. SnarkIsFun8:02 AM

    @Dutch - agree w/you. As much as Taylor has control issues, at least she has talent, unlike the entire Ktrash family, and isn't a drugged-up mess like Bieber.

  18. Gary Burnaska9:13 AM

    Beiber looks like is a enough of a shitbag log of fag to get off of slapping girls around. Nothing worse than some micro penis who needs to "prove his manhood" by abusing his GF or wife, Their kind need to just to take a bullet to the head.

  19. Not in any way suggesting that tiny Bieber toughen up in order to effectively beat on women -- hope it didn't come across that way!

    Now I cannot unsee a misty image of Mr. Mayweather gently introducing JB's wee soft fingers to a proper manly shape, tucking in the recently sucked on thumb just ever so delicately...

  20. Jim Summers12:11 PM

    I don't buy the concerns over this, Swift doesn't care about Bieber's personal life and she has very little interest in Selena beyond gaining publicity from her as another famous friend. She won't get involved in a battered woman scenario that involves Gomez and Bieber.

    Furthermore, I can't see Gomez even wanting to expose Bieber, she is masochistic and enjoys wallowing in her own misery, there's no fight in her. She's a defeated person. Gomez's life consists of rampant drug use and going on the casting couch for Hollywood producers and directors to gain movie roles. In recent candids she looks drugged out of her mind.

  21. I can believe the beating ... I've seen drug addicts who were placid by nature become very aggressive, especially when under threat. Bieber does have a short temper. He's thrown things around, not hard to believe he's thrown fists.

    And he treats women appalingly.

    I want the video exposed just because he deserves to be taken down. He's a classic sociopath and I would love to see his hardcore fanbase try to defend it.

  22. No one took it that way, mpf.

  23. Laura3:07 PM

    Men abusive to women have that look and Justin doesn't. The drugs I believe, having heat arguments I believe, beating a woman, even more Selena I don't believe. Bieber looks like a puppy until this day close to her, seems like she was the one with the abusive behavior and he was the abused.

    I can't stand Justin Bieber, but is quite unfair to throw the abusive tramp stamp over some guy that not only never had a abuse case as doesn't seem the slightest abusive towards his girlfriends or women in general.

    People are obsessed with trashing Justin because he is a brat little wanker, but he ain't dangerous or severely aggressive. Hollywood is filled with rapists, killers and women abusers, yet they concentrate all the headlines in the guy that throws eggs (not rocks) at his neighbors door. IMO they use him to diverge attention from people like Chris Brown who are seriously aggressive and dangerous.

  24. Oh please Bieber is no "puppy." Chris brown didn't look like a woman abuser to me either so that's a matter of opinion. They don't have it written on their head. I believe Biebers biggest crime isn't throwing eggs. He's just not a good person, and that's why he needed a whole team of people to convince everyone he is.

  25. The drug use is believable but the domestic abuse, that's reaching.
    Actually there's footage of Gomez slapping Bieber (back in 2013) :
    I know that kid is unlikeable but throwing that type of accusation is not cool.

  26. GroovieMann5:54 AM

    Uh, don't think you can spot abusers by their look. Sure, some may be obvious, but that's no benchmark by which to measure them all.
