Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Blind Item #9

This foreign born permanent A+ list celebrity has now seen a woman other than his celebrity wife for the fourth time. No wonder he wants to live here permanently.


  1. Tricia133:46 AM

    David Beckham

  2. Kno Won Uno3:47 AM

    Paul McCartney

  3. sandybrook3:48 AM

    Imma take Becks for this.

  4. MontanaMarriott3:49 AM

    Yeah he could get away with that here, Back home the press would hound him constantly

  5. Tricia133:53 AM

    Wonder who she is ? Still hard to believe Posh stayed after the last scandal(Spanish woman I think) who worked for Real Madrid? Can't recall it was a while ago

  6. Kno Won Uno3:56 AM

    I wonder if it's the "mystery brunette" he was caught "sharing a joke with" in public and on camera the other day.

  7. Kno Won Uno3:56 AM

    Do we believe the hung-like-a-hamster shiz or not? If so, look for a tiny woman.

  8. Tricia134:00 AM


  9. hothotheat4:38 AM

    Lol, kno. McCartneys wife isn't a celebrity. I hope this isn't Becks because I love them but it sure sound like him.

  10. blank4:44 AM

    women like Posh always stay. just like balthazar getty's wife.

    they use the family as an excuse to remain with someone who openly disrespects them. they dont have self-respect and are insecure. they also have no idea what those actions' impact will have on her kids....even after they have grown up, the internet will show what it was like when they were little. in this day and age, you best believe when your family is famous you gonna google your parents

  11. Zilla16:57 AM

    I'll throw in Sting for good measure.

  12. AshBey7:15 AM

    B is hung like a hamster? Isn't that Yankee captain too? Hung like a light switch or something?

  13. longtimereader3:22 AM

    There is an old popbitch post that claimed he hooked up with kate moss in the past...
