Sunday, August 21, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

July 20, 2016

This acting couple consisting of an A list mostly television actress wife and a B+ list husband spent an extra 15 minutes beyond intermission chain smoking and arguing outside a theatre.

Claire Danes/Hugh Dancy


  1. Zilla12:23 AM

    As long as they weren't part of the cast, who cares?

  2. sandybrook2:46 AM

    Enty thinks the chain smoking is more scandalous than the arguing. (Maybe that's why Claire looked like she's 55 in the randoms the other day)

  3. In a few more years she will look like his fa--er, sorry...his mother. I meant mother. And nothing will ever correct her long torso/squatty canckled legs thing. Nor the home-wrecking.

  4. Kno Won Uno8:07 AM

    Judgy McJudgerton only endorses overeating & drunkeness.

  5. Elle Ghee9:19 AM

    Holy fuck, MPF...that comment was hilarious! And spot on.

  6. penelope211:10 AM

    Claire Danes and January Jones look like sisters. Both have that Annie-Lennox face atop a too long neck.
