Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #2

July 11, 2016

I’m too lazy to go back and look to see what # it was, but that A+ lister who got into a fight with the woman he calls his girlfriend? Yeah, well something contagious must have been going on because this foreign born A list dual threat actor got into a fight with the woman he calls his wife at the same place. A nasty little argument played out for the world to see.

Benedict Cumberbatch/Sophie Hunter/Wimbledon


  1. Kno Won Uno2:07 AM

    Heard-Depp reach a settlement, Heard withdraws her request for a restraining order

  2. Johnny paid her $10 Million to go away.

  3. Ettacettera2:58 AM

    I read 7..but who's counting?

  4. Whywhywhy???3:03 AM

    I guess holding on to that video was worth 7 million.... she did well for such a short marriage...Better hold to her pennies cause now the fellas (and the ladies) see how she plays.

  5. morgan53:37 AM

    TMZ says 7million which includes legal fees. Thats a pittance considering Depp is worth over 300million. I thought she would get a lot more. Amber says she's going to donate it to charity. Yeah right.

  6. hothotheat4:13 AM

    I'm betting he was holding on to something and threatening to release it given how little she received. Her releasing that video really pissed him off. She needs to go away now and he needs to sober up.

  7. alice4:36 AM

    This agreement proves that certainly she had more receipts. And that Depp is indeed a violent asshole

  8. magnolia belle4:54 AM

    He sold his Basquiat collection which took him 20 years to amass. He is selling his French property. Is he going to sell everything, move to his private island and vegetate for the rest of his life? No one cares what happens to Amber. A lot of fans do care what happens to Johnny. This ain't over 'cuz the fat lady ain't sung yet.

  9. LauraOK5:57 AM

    Even without abuse claims, Amber would be entitled to half of JD's earnings during their marriage (no prenup). Forbes reports that Depp made $30 million in 2015 alone, the year that he and Heard were married. That makes the 7M settlement, which includes her attorney fees, look like not very much. I'm sure they deducted "living expenses" and other things, but it doesn't look like Amber prevailed in this case.

  10. Wendy5:59 AM

    How? She originally wanted 50 million....so I doubt he would go down that much if he did it.

    The idiot had to pay her something because he married the twat without a prenup....7 mil is pocket change to him.

    It was originally 8, so to go down to 7 means something here. She didn't want it to go to court cuz she didn't want to get in trouble for lying.

  11. LauraOK6:01 AM

    *Her statement about donating to charity didn't specify how much, or which charity was involved.

  12. morgan57:43 AM

    The charity is Amber Heard. If half the things out there about her are true Amber has too many skeletons in her closet to prevail against Johnny and his lawyers--take the 7 million and consider yourself lucky.

  13. Bluebird8:15 AM

    Yeah, 7 mil isn't much compared to what she could have had. The donation makes me think that JD's team had something pretty damaging on her, and the only reason the settlement is as much as it is was because their client is a violent mess and the vids were terrible. So JD's team took the high road and Amber's team took what they could get.

    Still not bad. Now she's onto Elon Musk? We'll see how that goes.

  14. back again8:29 AM

    I respectfully but totally disagree with that assumption--in fact, I think it's the opposite.

  15. back again8:33 AM

    my comment above was directed toward @ Alice's comment.

  16. 450 mill
    They did a break out on some news show today
    I'm sorry but after reading about shooting Winona Ryder Amber deserves 225 mill

  17. Ant D5:14 PM

    Or Depp didn't want the world to see that he's a violent alcoholic, "There was never any intent of physical or emotional harm" that's what their joined statement said. That is very specic wording right there! It says it was never ANY INTENT not that NOTHING happened. There was no intent for the violence that happened. Depp is a huge star, he has a ginormous and ultra powerfull studio to back him up and TMZ practically inside his anal cavity doing his pr and spinning the news and he is a white guy. So yeah I don't thonk he would settle in court if Heard didn't have more videos that proved her point.

  18. LauraOK11:05 PM

    Amen, Morgan!

  19. She couldn't take her lies to court and make them official. She took what they offered.

  20. Wendy5:57 AM

    You do understand that he had to give her something, right? With no prenup she was guaranteed half of what he made when they were together...which was about 30 million...which would have made it 15 mil. 7 mil is half of that, bitch knew she was getting into slippery territory if she had to go in front of a judge and have ALL the people who stated she was never hurt when she said she was. If it smells like shit, it's probably shit.

  21. NoNaMe8:19 AM

    Ooops :)))) A simple Siegfried/Sherlock sobered up. He remembers, it was an oral sex only. HOW?!!!
    Remember Boris Becker, you, reneck. The same agency, the same situation.
