Saturday, August 27, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #2

July 2, 2016

This A-/B+ list mostly movie actor from that franchise which is probably not going to be “that” franchise much longer is back on drugs. He got himself back to just booze but he was a train wreck at a recent public event.

Robert Pattinson


  1. Why the drugs Robert? If you can't take the fame go back to being a normal.

  2. Isn't wanting to be famous the reason for (trying to) become a movie star?
    So, a TV series gets you famous (which you want) but then you have to start taking drugs/alcohol to cope with (being famous) it?
    Their logic escapes me.

  3. Kno Won Uno4:40 AM

    Maybe it's the waning of fame that's troubling.


    Just personal. Don't kill the messenger. However, he is the strangest looking, least talented actor in the business as far as I'm concerned. All his films (not that franchise) totally bombed. I don't think he ever wanted to be in show business in the first place. What the hell does he do for the rest of his life?

  5. UPS is hiring.

  6. Whatever7:39 AM

    I actually think he's quite striking looking, but agree that he is an extremely limited actor.

  7. Torchy12:25 PM

    He just has to get rid of the leeches attached to his butt and "friends" that keep whispering bullshit into his ears, then call the paps. That'll set him straight.

    At least there's hope that he's kicked that annoying golddigger to the curb eventually.

    He should go and stay out of the lime light, find a nice woman not in the public eye. Someone who really likes him and not only the attention that comes with him.

    Hollywood is NOT worth striving for and nothing is wrong with not playing their games.
    No one there is interested in his well-being anyway, why bother?
    Just stay away from all the idiots.

    If someone wants a job, there will always be a job. One just has to accept it comes with less benefits.
    That's not necessarily bad though.

    Hopefully he'll wake up soon and remember what is really important in life.
    ...and better hurry before it's too late, from what could be seen the last couple of month it's questionable if he'll live long enough to even find a woman who loves him.

  8. Shermie1:22 PM

    He should dump the current weirdo fiance. IMO, Kristin Stewart did a number on him and some guys just aren't emotionally strong.

  9. parkdove5:05 PM

    Maybe he should have gone to Burning Man.
