Saturday, August 06, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #3 - Kindness

May 6, 2016

This B list actress is a celebrity offspring but people always forget that. She is on a hit almost television show and once had an interesting moniker on this site. Anyway, at her gym she paid for year long memberships for every mother in her regular spin class.

Rashida Jones


  1. Honeybunny1:48 AM

    How very sweet! :-)

  2. Nice thing to do.
    Moms do need a break at least once a week from child raising.

  3. French girl1:54 AM

    I am pretty sure she goes to an expensive sport club where every mother has an underpaid foreigner nanny

  4. I've always thought she was so beautiful, in a natural non-Hollywood way. Apparently on the inside too. Love this and her too!!

  5. Frufra2:35 AM

    Rashida, if you're reading, know that my teenaged boys and I have spent many happy summertime hours watching Parks and Rec together.

    Ann Perkins!!!!

    (Sorry, couldn't resist. Love you :-).

  6. sandybrook3:12 AM

    Any longtimers around who remember what OG Enty called her?

  7. marlo3:18 AM

    French Girl, you rather those nannies war unemployed? Maybe they send money home to their families. Maybe Rashida Jones does not go to an expensive gym. Maybe most of those mothers have jobs because they have to have jobs, and therefor need a nanny?

    You self-important moralistic assholes really get on my tits. You know nothing, but always assume the worst, so you can feel morally superior to others who have achieved more than you.

    How is your beloved socialism working out in France? Happy with your imports, oh tolerant altruistic leftoid?

  8. Frufra3:46 AM

    Sandy, I interpreted that to mean she commented under an interesting moniker. But with Enty, everything is always open to interpretation ;-).

  9. sandybrook3:56 AM

    well, either way then--if she commented does anyone remember her name or what did OG call her ?

  10. The Troublemaker4:10 AM

    How can you ever forget Peggy Lipton and Quincy Jones?!!!

  11. NoWhining4:55 AM

    LOVE your phrase "You (adjectives, noun to suit situation) really get on my tits."!!! Priceless! I will borrow but also give credit to you. Thank you!

  12. Juank5:03 AM

    Why just the mothers? That's sort of weird, no?

  13. Guesser6:03 AM

    Can't remember, buy I remembered he was very fond of her. For some interesting reading, check out the very first writings of Enty's. Go to the bottom of the page and you can click on the November of 2016 and find something that contradicts current Enty.

  14. prozac+?6:09 AM

    nannies war unemployed?
    altruistic leftoid?

  15. Wendy6:13 AM

    Aww, Karen!

  16. AdGirl8:36 AM

    I used to live in the same small apt bldg in LA above her sister (Martina). We both had dogs and thus had random convos over the years. The most impressionable thing about her from the jump -before I knew who her parents are- was that these girls were raised right. And well. And appreciative of what they were given. Well on you for this, Rashida. And on your parents.

  17. From French girl: An interesting, thought-out, alternative point of view.

    From marlo: A wild hurl of verbal diarrhea, designed strictly to make another person feel bad about herself.

    Who's the problem here?

  18. Studio549:07 AM

    How wonderful! Thanks for this!

  19. Redscare9:29 AM

    I've seen Rashida at the spin class in my gym in NYC. I just assumed she was in town and a guest at the gym, not a full time member (as I've never seen her there before or after). She looked adorable and had a very sweet demeanor.

  20. marlo2:15 AM

    Feel free to abuse it NoWhining :)

  21. marlo2:18 AM

    The problem is not WHO, you bloody cretin, the problem is this: somebody does something nice for some mothers, and there you have your small-brained Social Justice Warrior, who doesn't know any details about this story at all, but comes and shits all over it, like all you moralistic hypocrites.

    French girls' view was not 'interesting' but clearly denigrating a very generous gesture.

  22. Killary12:31 PM

    Pretty sure doesn't cut it. I doubt she's paying for women who can well afford it. Buzzkiller.
