Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #3

July 25, 2016

This a-hole of an A-/B+ list singer has now added crystal meth to his drug use. Yeah, that is really going to help him control his temper.

Chris Brown


  1. Emily2:23 AM

    Didn't a judge just award him full custody of his baby daughter?

  2. Now it makes sense, he was twitching so bad in an instagram video he posted, it was really sad.

  3. sandybrook2:51 AM

    stick to yo' sizzurp chump!

  4. Noitall3:10 AM

    Hopefully he never gets alone time with that baby.

  5. longtimereader3:11 AM

    So much talent, such an asshole. Shame.

  6. Zilla13:32 AM

    Yes. The guy who shouldn't have custody of a caterpiller has custody of a little girl.

  7. anna from savannah4:01 AM

    This kid is sick, sick, sick. I think we all know that.

  8. Whatever7:11 AM

    Possibly the most fucked up (and destructive) celebrity out there...and that really is saying something.

  9. Hot Cola7:20 AM

    No mercy for him.

  10. Honeybunny7:54 AM

    Thinking the exact same words!

  11. Chelzee Post8:54 AM

    This is funny because earlier today I was walking down the street in my barrio (NYC) and a teen went into a garbage can on the street, went through it, found a bottle of water, picked it up and threw it against a parked car. Here I am, the only pale face within miles, went absolutely postal on the kid. He stopped, turned around and saw this white haired elderly person cursing him. It was when I said, "Pick that damn bottle up you little creep or I'm gonna go Chris Brown on your ass!" that he ran over to the bottle, picked it up, and returned it to the garbage can. Ran off a mile a minute. Heard someone behind me laughing really loud. Turned around to find an Irish-looking Cop standing there doubled over with laughter. "Lady, I never want to meet YOU in a dark alley." Yay, CDAN.

  12. Nope, he didn't. He just got to keep the custody he already had...12 days a month or something.
