Friday, August 26, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #3

July 28, 2016

The foundation of this A+ list mostly movie actor promised to build several homes in one Midwest city. So far though, even though the actor got praise from all the residents when he made the announcement, it has been almost three years and no homes have been built.

Brad Pitt/Missouri


  1. sandybrook2:25 AM

    Oh shit Missouri has been downgraded to a city now? Fu*k the Rams for going back to Los Angeles!

  2. Ms. Anne Thrope2:37 AM

    LMFAO Sandy!!!


    Celebrities who promise to give people a better life and don't follow through have no idea how much this impacts people's lives. Brad Pitt has done some incredible things in his life and deserves a chance to defend himself on this. Ask the people in New Orleans what he has done for them and hear them sing his praises.

  4. He probably needed a PR boost at the time which is why he publicly made the announcement.

  5. Sarah3:32 AM

    Seriously? He is the Trump of liberal causes. He never actually does anything unless you throw in sweat shops for his costumes on the epic films to save himself a buck or two. Do you actually really ever believe his spin? He's just a pretty package.

  6. shakey5:16 AM

    ^This is why I find this reveal to be so disappointing. It's his home state; you'd think he'd get in there right away to help.

  7. Sbreezy295:34 AM

    Knew he was too good to be true!

  8. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob6:20 AM

    I wonder what Angelina thinks about that. If she wasnt't dizzy for all the drugs she probably takes (because of her illness or her own amusement), she would not allow her partner to be such a lying douchebag.

  9. Sherriff Enty7:54 AM

    Blinds seem to be the only thing you nail. Your sexual; frustration is so obvious.

  10. Hollyweird12:44 PM

    Another libertard following the Clinton "foundation" err pocketing the money yourself!
    I just watched Obama promised the Isis victim parents Kari mueller raped and tortured by Muslims that Obama would donate money to her parents foundation
    And he never did -- after threatening they would be prosecuted if they tried to pay her ransom

    He gives 400 mill for 4 Iranian hostages( Clinton foundation donor) but doesn't save a young American girl from daily rape and torture

  11. Truth#1:13 PM

    Obama= abomination. Not even sure "African Americans" want to claim him anymore.
    Maybe there's a few villagers somewhere I
    On another continent who bought his story and well, ignorance is bliss. They can have him. Ineffectual, socialist, pussy.
    Killary skeletons are making there way out again, after being pushed down. Just in time for Halloween and Elections- nothing worse than a corrupt ,sloppy, lesbian, murder accomplice . Only thing that could make her more disgusting is if she wears white after Labor Day.... Maybe they'll do "Chappaquiddick."

  12. Either stick to the topic at hand, have something funny or interesting or not insane to say, or PISS OFF!

  13. marlo9:41 PM

    Regarding Obama, he's an ungrateful parasite, with no integrity.
    He did a great job at racially dividing the US, and propping up islamic terrorism though - more attacks since 2010, than ever before!

    Regarding Pitt - nobody owes anybody anything, but when you make a statement like this, and a promise, you're a POS if you don't keep it.

  14. marlo9:43 PM

    Okay - don't shut people up just because you don't like what they are saying. It's very muslim/fascist/nazi of you......

  15. Derek's Anal Beads10:22 PM

    Ditto, gurl.

  16. Honeybunny11:06 PM

    Being a POC I find your comments very degrading and just plain wrong. Maybe you should stick to Fox News and let the grown people here talk. Bye Felicia!

  17. Honeybunny11:08 PM

    F#$k off!!!!!

  18. And-so-on..1:20 AM

    All that donated money is temporary tied up in paying off favor seeking cronies, giving lame advice, troublesome, harmful and worthless global warming devices to the needy, using them as cheap labor and slaves.. having gala's, shows, eating luxury food with despots and ruling criminals.. to reap more donations, private plane travel, extravagant accommodations and wasteful expenses, drugs boooze.. and creating more chaos war zones, packing the poor into small spaces with no hope of education, safety or work.. so entire nations are doomed to fail and suffer and making Ms. head of it all Chelsea's life richly comfortable.. Perhaps he got sick of building cheap digs that barely can withstand a thunderstorm storm and fall apart in five years.

  19. marlo1:44 AM

    Honeybunny - you're a Piece of crap?????

    okay then ...lmao

  20. marlo1:45 AM

    I will absolutely NOT!!

    If you don't like others having differing opinions, feel free to move to Iran or Pakistan or North Korea.

    Bye Felicia yourself :D

  21. marlo1:47 AM

    It's kinda funny watching lib-tards implode and foam at their mouths, whenever somebody merely points out the truth.....

  22. Agent X5:53 AM

    @Marlo I agree more than you know. Wish there was *high 5* button because you could not be more more correct. Liberals are to "reality based " political discussions and tolerance of others opinions as the Kardashian family is to - integrity. And natural beauty, naturally.

  23. Martina6:28 AM

    "libertard"? next time have your mommy help you with your disinformation problem

  24. marlo6:33 AM

    Thanks Agent X - fortunately the tides are turning, here in Europe and in the US.

    Churchill famously said "if you are under 25, and not a liberal, you have no heart. If you are over 25, and not a conservative, you have no brain". He was of course right and a brilliant man and leader.

    Greetings from London - Brexit having been the first sign of tides turning

  25. Killary10:40 AM

    Marlo, one of my most favorite quotes from Churchill. Your erudite eloquence makes my cold, black heart happy. I heart you.

  26. bigmama3:47 AM

    Oh for fucks sake. Quoting Churchill neither makes you witty nor right. Now sit down, you half wits.
