Thursday, August 11, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 26, 2016

Every so often this A- list mostly television actor who is on a pay cable show has to attend a show event with his sometime co-star B+ list awful actress. They do not get along and rolling of the eyes when taking pictures is the nicest form of communication between them. He is convinced her appearances on the show is stunt casting and dislikes it.

Liev Schreiber/Katie Holmes/Ray Donovan


  1. sandybrook3:34 AM

    The role she played was really a stretch, so I can see why he thinks this way. However he has Executive Producer and Producer credits on the show, so he has a say in what goes on.

  2. Kno Won Uno3:45 AM

    has she no pride?

  3. Maybe he should just kick the producer who suggested her casting!

  4. texasrose4:52 AM

    He is one of the producers so I guess he got out voted on her casting. That or he just sees it as a necessary evil but still doesn't want to act like he likes it.

  5. Caitlin4:55 AM

    I don't think she was that bad in it to be honest it was the braces more than anything that were distracting but that wasn't her fault that was whoever decided her character should have them? Maybe it was Liev Ex Producer that suggested them to vent his frustration. Her acting has improved a lot she is really great in Touched with fire.

  6. AshBey5:38 AM

    Those braces are awful. Was that Liev's idea?

  7. Scientologys a cult10:48 AM

    I think a lot of people in Hollywood including entry are controlled by the cult of Scientology
    Katie hated by them for leaving their savior
    Hence the nasty comments are gossip boards
    A cult that should be taxed by the iris

  8. I would assume that nobody really gives a fuck what Liev Schreiber thinks about anything anyway. No? Just me?

  9. Not just you -- despite how lovable he was in Daytrippers.

  10. Sd Auntie1:17 PM

    +10000. I thought Katie was great.

  11. Haywood Jablomee2:08 PM

    F. Off Liev. You're being a suppressive person to an actual S.P. Gotta support a fellow day drinker.

  12. + infinity
