Saturday, August 27, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #5

July 5, 2016

When she is not spending time trying to fit into the smallest clothes possible, this A+ list singer has been visiting one of Vegas’ top plastic surgeons and getting some new fillers which were completely botched. Chipmunk cheeks anyone?

Mariah Carey


  1. sandybrook3:11 AM

    Mimi already looked like a chipmunk maybe she wants to look less like one?

  2. hothotheat3:17 AM

    To be fair she has prominant cheeks anyway.

  3. Dereks Undescended Testes3:29 AM

    MontanaMarriott NAILED IT! I could've nailed it, but my Mom grounded me from the computer that day for farting at the breakfast table.

  4. Kno Won Uno4:52 AM

    She's very Cabbage Patchy.
    I wonder if the wedding's still on.

  5. Dereks Mommy5:07 AM

    They were extra smelly after all those burritos. Listen need to get a job. I'm tired of you diddling with your tiny Willie while you troll the internet all day. And for heavens sake TAKE A SHOWER!

  6. And-so-on..5:11 AM

    Two major worth destoying rotten marriages.. almost died having twins.. put down by Nicks father and family.., threatened by her ex in the most demeaning public way which wasn't to cry out to get her help but to cash in on her suffering.. cut her a break.. she will eventually get stronger, less afraid and aloof to protect herself from trouble.. perhaps mentally well and settled.. Being responsible for her beloved children was a Godsend..

  7. Where are her children? I haven't seen any mention of them in years. To the point, it took me a minute for it to even click that she had children.

  8. Seriously?6:10 AM

    Omfg lmao.
    Wish she did that more often. Sure he farts enough- all that hot air.

  9. I agree. To Mo, her children have been photographed with her many times this year on Packer's yacht and elsewhere. They are really cute.

  10. Shermie1:15 PM

    It's called Voluma not Botox that causes the chipmunk cheeks. It put volume back where they lose collagen. She obv got way too much from good ole doc and is doesn't go away for 2 years.

  11. Heather2:42 PM

    She's lost a lot of weight but her face got fatter. Weird. I'm sorry MIMI but you need lipo of the face.

  12. magnolia belle7:22 AM

    Face lipo? How about a full head transplant! That's the ticket!
