Friday, August 05, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 5, 2016

I love this actor. A- list. Academy Award winner/nominee. Aging. Possible murder witness. Some publicist working with him for his latest movie was trying to tell him who was going to be interviewing him. The actor, in his unique way of talking, said something along the lines of, “Why, do I need to know their name? Will we be dating? Perhaps a dance? Did you want me to dance with them? Is this what this is all about? Do you like dancing? I don’t even know your name, which is why I won’t be dancing with you.”

Christopher Walken


  1. sandybrook3:37 AM

    It doesn't surprise me that a celebrity doesn't care who they are interviewed by because the celebrity believes w/o them the interviewer would be unemployed. I've always wondered when listening to varied talk radio, how many guests on phone interviews actually have any idea who they are talking to?

  2. Salaam3:45 AM

    That's right up there with his Captain Koons speech.

  3. NoWhining3:51 AM

    Look at it this way: he's out promoting a movie. He's doing what? 10, 20, etc., interviews a day? In how many different cities? Actually, I think he's being fair. It doesn't matter who the interviewer is, it won't change or impact his answers. As in, no kissing up to wider range interviews.

    Love his response!

  4. NoWhining3:54 AM

    Let me add, because he is Christopher Walken, he gets a pass because of his talent, humor and career length/brilliance.

  5. Tricia133:55 AM

    He is such a quirky guy. Wildly entertaining though...

  6. nancer4:03 AM

    love him. sounds strangely like the famous scene between him and dennis hopper in 'true romance.' he's the best.

  7. Between the cowbell, the Continental, and the pimp in "Pennies From Heaven", I'll love him till the day I die

  8. Bitchy McSnappy4:08 AM

    I can hear him saying that.

  9. +++++++++++++++++

  10. So, true.
    Why do stars need to know the names of the interviewers?
    Especially, if it is a press junket where the interviewers are brought in one after another and they all ask the same question.
    It's 'face time' for the interviewer, not the actor.

  11. Lurky McLurkster4:51 AM

    He's hilarious.

  12. Chelzee Post5:01 AM

    In my eyes, this man is so far above any actor in the world he can say anything at any time and it will be witty beyond belief. He has always been himself and been authentic. He took time after a NYC play back in the 80s to chat with my then young daughter and entertain her with age-appropriate jokes. A real stand up guy. Adore him.

  13. @Chelzee what a great story!

  14. justalurker8:39 AM

    Mr Dance Man!

  15. Answer 1--David, it's nice be addressed by name.

    Answer 2--It's nice to be addressed by name.

    Question--Does answer 1 seem warmer than answer 2, especially if you are also living a grind being herded in and out of rooms?

    Using someone's name might get a friendlier write up, although everyone kowtows to Walken who seems to work hard at being quirkmeister in chief.

  16. Hot Cola9:32 AM

    Love him

  17. Wait, he was a murder witness? When? Where?

  18. sandybrook9:45 AM

    only for that though...

  19. sandybrook9:47 AM

    Natalie Wood--google it

  20. Hortensia12:29 PM


  21. SnarkIsFun4:42 AM

    Quite frankly, if I was going to be meeting 20-30 new people (interviewers) tomorrow, and spending at most 20 minutes with each of them, telling me all of their names today would only confuse me. Tell me each person's name as I meet them.

    Absolutely love Christopher Walken!

  22. I believe you7:35 AM

    Cranky bastard.

  23. nobody11:33 PM

    i was an extra on a set with him once. he is a super nice guy and incredibly handsome for his age. he played a patient in a hospital and i saw him in his boxers. i never thought i could be attracted to a man several fecades older than myself.
