Saturday, August 06, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #8

May 9, 2016

There is a guy out there who has a few tattoos on his body. Old Hollywood tattoos. He has a tattoo of an original Andy Griffith Show t-shirt on his leg. Oh, also Andy Griffith as Matlock tattoo. Another tattoo he has on his body is the reason for the blind. It is a tattoo of this still alive and still kicking foreign born former A list actress. She can sing and dance and act. She was on a very long running hit network show. Despite being nominated more than 10 times, she has never won an Emmy which is keeping a technically EGOT out of her hands. Anyway, this guy sees that she is going to be performing and is desperate to show her his new tattoo. He has a glossy photo of it made up for her to sign. he waits patiently outside the theatre door for her to emerge.
“Ms. ______; I am a HUGE fan of your work! You were magical in (play she had just finished).”–extends picture and pen.

Bodyguard takes the picture and notices it’s a tattoo of the actress. Guy shows him the actual tattoo….bodyguard loves it and points it out to the actress. Guy shows her…..can barely contain his excitement.

“I certainly hope that’s not permanent”, she sniffs.

Undaunted, the guy explains how he’s loved her since he was a boy and timidly asks if she wouldn’t mind signing the picture (he wanted to ask her to sign the leg but sensed it might go too far).

“Absolutely not. Go away”. she sniffs, again.

Bodyguard shrugs a sincere apology….he thought she would comply. Guy is crushed, thanks her anyway, then slinks away.

Angela Lansbury


  1. Ettacettera4:07 AM

    In her last stint on b'way she was in her 80s and was still known for talking to fans and being very cordial, so I think this might not pass the smell test..and I'm not sure I'd want to write on some strange guy's leg...

  2. Enty left out the adjective "creepy" when describing this guy.

  3. Jack Straw4:22 AM

    I never could stand her. I always suspected she was every bit as snooty as she seemed.

  4. AlmondJoy4:26 AM

    I have loved you since I was a kid---instant conversation killer--especially with an older woman.

  5. Zilla14:51 AM

    Even when she was in her 30"s, Angela Lansbury looked like an old cow.

  6. Kno Won Uno5:01 AM

    (Maybe it's Enty)

  7. TopperMadison5:06 AM

    When the original Andy Griffith show aired, there were no merchandised t-shirts.

  8. Guesser5:22 AM

    Definitely has a stalker vibe. It's one thing to show your tattoo to a guy in a heavy metal band,another to show it to an eighty plus woman. He's lucky she didn't call security on him.

  9. Laoldtimer5:22 AM

    She is a total whack Job!
    Supposedly She gave her daughter Deidre a permission note at 15 ..15 years old to travel around with Charles Manson and Susan Atkins! THE MANSON MURDERERS , I kid you not ..despite dean martins daughter allegedly telling Angela that Dennis. Wilson had Manson family orgies at his house on LSD with this old "minister" and his daughter (dean Moorehouse) TEX WATSON ( SHARON TATES MURDERER ) and teri melcher ( Doris days son) his 14 yr old daughter Ruthann moorehouse
    Really screwed up mother
    She is not the love able character on murder she wrote
    Dangerously absentee mother I think

  10. Frufra5:26 AM

    I think the guy with the tattoos is Himmmm. Remember his touching eulogy to Andy Griffith? Yup.

  11. June Gordon7:27 AM

    I whould have LOVED to have me a mama who let me go to LSD orgies when I was 14!!!!!!

    I sat next to AL on a plane once. She was very nice and knitted. She didn't want to see my snatch. But she was nice.

  12. Scallywag7:32 AM

    I think he would have fared better with a glossy photo of HER and not of his leg with the tattoo.

  13. Oh wow. Now you are going back in time.

  14. ****CDaN time, that is. /grin

  15. Studio548:23 AM

    A great blind. How rude and wrong of her.

  16. Haywood Jablomee10:48 AM

    On first scan first three sentences of item I figured the answer would be Billy Bob Thornton.

  17. Blondesense11:01 AM

    I am not trying to be funny, but I am honestly surprised Angela Lansbury was dead.

  18. Blondesense11:02 AM

    *thought* Angrla Lansbury was dead. Oops

  19. She was pleasant when she signed playbills after a Broadway show.

  20. "She can sing and dance and act"
    haha, this is what happens when you pervert the meaning of phrases like double and triple threat

  21. Anna nonymous1:26 AM

    Great to see ye old message board here is still going strong CDaners.

  22. Just4Fun2:50 AM

    The guy is way across the line from fandom to obsession. I don't blame her at all.

  23. Dutch3:36 AM

    I completely agree.

  24. Steadily Downhill2:49 AM

    You call this "going strong"??? . There used to be hundreds of comments a day--now just a handful or two.

    Ever since fauxEnty sold this site it has been a shitshow. It will never be what it used to be. He lost most of the regulars by being an entitled prick. This place hasn't been the same since and probably never will be.
