Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Today's Blind Items - Kindness

This actress is one of my favorite people. Everyone who ever meets her loves her. She is probably the quietest A-/A list television actress out there. She has a handful of Emmy nominations/wins. She does the pay cable thing and the network thing. Oh, and the cable thing. All at once. Somehow, despite being on multiple shows at the same time she still finds time to give about 15 hours a week to her favorite charity. She doesn't stop there though. Through all of her jobs on shows she nags producers and directors and the crew guys to find jobs for many of the single moms she comes across through her charity work. Good jobs. Often union jobs. Through her efforts she has managed to get well over 100 single moms full-time jobs while also finding money for job training and other programs for other single moms. Did I mention she has done multiple reality shows too?


  1. MontanaMarriott3:11 AM

    Allison Janey?

  2. MontanaMarriott3:12 AM

    Nevermind didn't see the part about reality tv

  3. Tiggytiti3:13 AM

    Hope it's Janey. Love her!

  4. sandybrook3:15 AM

    Lisa Kudrow ?

  5. sandybrook3:18 AM

    If I could find her a reality show--Laura Dern

  6. sandybrook3:23 AM

    I think it's her anyway.

  7. Tricia133:29 AM

    Lizzy Caplan maybe.
    Masters of Sex(pay)
    The League(cable)
    The New Girl(although not same exact years- reoccurring role)
    Did Made in Hollywood reality show this year(at least an episode)

  8. Tricia133:31 AM

    "Chelsea " is other reality show(I think) .Handlers new talk show format not sure considered "reality"

  9. sandybrook3:34 AM

    not a multiple nominee/winner.

  10. LadyJane3:44 AM

    I thought Edie Falco because she's a single mom but Sopranos, Nurse Jackie and guest on 30 Rock didn't overlap at the same time.

  11. Elle B4:03 AM

    Margo Martindale

  12. Tilda4:20 AM

    Does Margo do reality shows?

  13. Tricia135:00 AM

    Swoozie Kurtz maybe
    1) Mike and Me- network
    2) American Dad- Fox to TBS
    3) Nurse Jackie
    Couple episodes of show Home and me and other small reality type stuff I think

  14. nancer6:30 AM

    and it's MULTIPLE reality shows. wow. who IS this????

  15. PixieStix6:45 AM

    Carrie Preston

  16. Kibble8:46 AM

    Rashida Jones.

  17. Tricia1310:12 AM

    Not sure why I didn't think before...but Megan Mullally(who I love ) fits.
    Did P&R and as how called Axe Cop(network) while concurrently doing "Children's Hospital"(scyfi) and Bobs Burgers (cable-FX I think?) Her pay cable would be Web Therapy which she reoccurred on within a year of all this other work(close). Her charitable nature is well known

  18. Tricia1310:12 AM

    7 Emmy nominations/2 wins I think.

  19. Elle B10:25 AM

    whoops read it a few times & didn't see that part. who do you think it is?

  20. Craig S.10:25 AM

    I like that answer best because it fits. But what were her reality shows?

  21. Tricia1310:37 AM

    She did 2 shows that seemed reality based in 2013(at this time) called Kathy and The Project..1 or 2 episodes each but dunno- it's entys world:(

  22. Just4Fun12:23 PM

    I like this guess. For the reality shows, she has done Celebrity Name Game and Who Do you Think You Are. Maybe not what you would typically consider "reality" but i think it qualifies. She was on Friends & Mad About You at the same time, and also Web Therapy & the Comeback simultaneously..

  23. Puffin8:13 AM

    Dancing With the Stars

  24. kristin chenoweth

  25. aLAbaster2:09 AM

    You mean Janney? Because Janey rhymes with plainly.

  26. aLAbaster2:09 AM

    JANNEY. Ever google anything before you type?
