Monday, September 05, 2016

Blind Item #1

This foreign born A list singer is trying to push back hard against the stories revealing him to be bisexual.


  1. sandybrook11:33 PM

    Styles "dating" Kendull again

  2. Tricia1311:35 PM

    That makes sense because the pix of them was such a plant it he A list solo singer? I'll throw in Ed Sheeran

  3. sandybrook11:38 PM

    Just says singer. Anyway Kendull needs a new beard too, so there's that.
    I was thinking Sheeran also for this.

  4. Tricia1311:39 PM

    True true.

  5. Gavin Rossdale to be different

  6. hottottottoo4:07 AM

    bisexual is the 'safe' designation gay men can use until they can come out and say they actually exclusively like men, and are gay

    just like having sex with transwomen is like a gateway -fuck to accepting yourself as gay. as long as they have tits, im not gay! right...right...right???


  7. Perky butt6:08 AM

    well I guess pretend dating a lesbian is one way to do it? I'm confused.

  8. anna from savannah6:33 AM

    Elton John? LOL!!!

  9. Bubbles7:53 AM

    Actually this makes no sense since all trans women don't have male genitalia. And being that guys having sex with pre-op girls are doing it in secret, they could just as easily sneak around and have sex with men. And gay men generally don't go for trans women, hence their being gay and not into women. Now trans men are a whole different kettle of fish. No plenty of gay men who love a buff trans man.

  10. Bubbles7:54 AM

    Sorry, "know"

  11. not Harry Styles, he's gay. also the 1d kids are always labelled boy banders on here, not A-list singers. he hasn't even got music out yet

  12. NYCStudent1:20 AM

    Are you kidding me? Who are you to decide the sexual identity of somebody else? Many bisexuals would beg to differ about your assertion that they do not exist. If you are coming on here to educate, you should actually know what you are talking about....

  13. Quinn6:52 AM

    Actually just a quick check on 1d groupie stories (it's all over tumblr) might make you change your mind. That boy's not gay, bi probably but then again, besides this "larry" created by crazy 1d stans, there is no "proof".
    He might be one of those label-free people. His own father outed him as a sex addict on his first big tour at 18 (UK press).

  14. Mildred Pierce6:52 AM

    Drake. The Rihanna fauxmance has gone into overdrive
