Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Blind Item #2

She might seem perfect but this celebrity married to an A+ list mostly movie actor has a big coke problem. I think she does it to stay thin.


  1. Tricia1311:46 PM

    Amal Clooney

  2. sandybrook11:47 PM

    this is b.s.

  3. sandybrook11:49 PM

    ISIL is feeding the Enterns gossip now? (she's representing someone suing them which of course has put her in danger of getting killed)

  4. Sounds like Amal but I think it could be anyone. I think they all are on something to not eat.

  5. Ettacettera12:20 AM

    She even put her wedding ring back on for a pap stroll in nyc..awww..I think she's more the run to the john skinny type, but who knows...

  6. President The Donald12:37 AM

    Amal perfect? Why George? Why? Stacey Kiebler, was perfect. Amal, no thank you. Amal es muy mal.

    I love the Latinos and they love me!

  7. Tiggytiti1:42 AM

    Amal is not taken seriously as a barrister in England. All fluff

  8. Whywhywhy???2:10 AM

    I love George but always got the impression he didn't really want a smart woman on his arm.

  9. Hothotheat4:24 AM

    Sandy, the blind is BS or the Amal guess

  10. sandybrook4:33 AM

    blind--it's supposed to be about her

  11. She doesn't seem perfect at all, except to her media spin to try to make her into the next Princess Diana, or whatever cheeseball goal she's aiming for.

  12. Whatever5:23 AM

    The next Diana?! Errr, good luck with that British press. My impression (living in the UK) is that most people couldn't care less about her.


    The video yesterday of someone asking George what he thought about Brad and Angelina and he didn't know what the hell the reporter was talking about! The look on his face when the man told him they were divorcing was priceless! But he and Brad are real tight, right? Sure.

  14. Nobody thinks that but Amal. That was the point of the comment.

  15. TRUTH8:42 AM

    Sandybrook is a PR shill posting on behalf of beastly UGLY AMAL Alamuddin… Ugly Amal is from a family of Islamist arms dealers. That's the cover up in this PR stunt of a loser junior lawyer at 40 "taking on" ISIS. Ooooo.
    The marriage is a total sham with no licence filed a the registry.
    UGLY AMAL ALAMUDDIN is the niece of money-laundering Islamist arms dealer Ziad Takieddine who is financing (funnelling) financing into film production through off shore accounts whiled her mother Baria runs a celebrity bookings agency called Globell promoting this freak.

    Also, if you want another scoop based on truth, George Clooney cannot stand ugly Amal nor has he ever slept with her. Calls her "Conchita Wurst" or "ugly Hezbollah" or "Lady Boy" behind her back.

    Google the info.

  16. TRUTH8:45 AM

    Yes it is ugly Amal Alamuddin. She has an eating disorder since college. She snorts cocaine for confidence too.
    Ugly Amal is from a family of Islamist arms dealers. That's the cover up in this PR stunt of a loser junior lawyer at 40 "taking on" ISIS. Ooooo.
    The marriage is a total sham with no licence filed a the registry.
    UGLY AMAL ALAMUDDIN is the niece of money-laundering Islamist arms dealer Ziad Takieddine who is financing (funnelling) financing into film production through off shore accounts whiled her mother Baria runs a celebrity bookings agency called Globell promoting this freak.

    Also, if you want another scoop based on truth, George Clooney cannot stand ugly Amal nor has he ever slept with her. Calls her "Conchita Wurst" or "ugly Hezbollah" or "Lady Boy" behind her back.

    Google the info.

  17. TRUTH8:48 AM

    Amal is grotesque & ugly. Stacy Kyborg was big boner ogre & uncouth. Butter face.
    Both were set up by his handlers because George Clooney opts for fake PR arrangements.

  18. Shut up Angie! She is smart and her husband spends time with her, both coveted things you've never had.

  19. Reader4:06 PM

    Please block that demented Truth poster. He/she needs help. Who wants to read his racist rants.

  20. Bigger Truth4:01 AM

    The poster calling herself "TRUTH" is a woman named D avida R ochelle K anter. She is a crazy old lady who stalked George Clooney and has been unhinged about Amal Clooney since before they got married. D avida's capacity for lying is astonishing. She'll lie about anything and everything.

    She's a notorious internet troll. We even have a tutorial thread about her:
