Thursday, September 22, 2016

Blind Item #2

I'm not telling him how to live his life, but perhaps these foreign born A+ list parents could talk to their oldest about using protection when hooking up with random women. One of them yesterday said the offspring who has made a name for himself didn't use any with her.


  1. Tricia1311:46 PM

    David/Victoria Becham- and Brooklyn?

  2. sandybrook11:48 PM

    parents leaves out Prince Hot Ginge, so I'll go for Brooklyn

  3. Cookie12:16 AM

    Women need to be responsible as well. Make them use a condom or dont sleep w them.

  4. June Gordon12:26 AM

    Cookie: Bless your heart.

    Women who are sleeping with the very rich and/or famous WANT to get a little gift that keeps on giving EVERY MONTH.

  5. Tiggytiti12:29 AM

    +1. Women should always carry condoms and learn how to put one on. Can't rely on others to protect yourself.

  6. Barbara Ricehand12:37 AM

    Condoms would of helped Jim Carreys gf. Maybe. Well as far as the stds go. A good lesson to help this blind.

  7. FakeHousewife12:46 AM

    If "dating" Chloe Grace Morestz qualifies as making a name for himself.

  8. Rocco Ritchie maybe??

  9. Ettacettera12:52 AM

    One time could mean a lifetime of his daddy's money..cha-ching!

  10. Dutch3:32 AM

    Brooklyn is so unattractive land is only famous thanks to his parents. If he is dumb enough to hook up with women without protection then he deserves all the paternity suits that will come his way.

  11. Bibsee4:05 AM

    Whoever this boy is he has a helluva lot more to lose than any of the women. So the condom responsibility should fall mostly on him.

  12. Bibsee4:06 AM

    Condoms couldn't have helped her with the herpes. That spreads even with condom use unfortunately.

  13. No, he's a "model" now.

  14. SnarkIsFun1:47 PM

    Thankfully for him, any paternity suits could only consider HIS income, not his parents' income. He could have a job making $10,000/year while living the high life of his parents' $$, and the most any girl could get out of him would be that $10,000/yr. Kids are more expensive than that.

  15. Quiet Riot7:25 AM

    Rafferty Law, his dad never uses one.
