Saturday, September 17, 2016

Blind Item #3

This foreign born A list dual threat actor is on vacation with his wife to see if this shambles of what is called a marriage is going to continue. I don't see an announcement being made until after he does press for his new movie. Don't want all the questions to be about the marriage, or lack thereof.


  1. Benedict Cumberbatch/ Doctor Strange

  2. Scandi Sanskrit2:58 AM

    Why should it matter whether the press ask him questions about his "marriage" or not? He always volunteers information about his personal life and shoehorns everything about it without being asked anyway. Even manages to magically make the amulet in the story all about his personal life.

  3. lol, you know you are failure at your job when you copypaste few sentences from daily mail article and call it blind item. you're too late, enty, this is old news.

  4. texasrose4:21 AM

    I assume Cumberbatch or Redmayne.

  5. on vacation with his wife? sorry, if it about Cumby, he was two week in London, he was seen two days ago in NT on play the deep blue sea. Today he was seen in airport, probably flying to an Emmy's. Again, fail from Enty.

  6. So true but these morons here look it up in the DM and then post the answers here and then pat themselves on the back for being so fucking smart. It is entertaining as hell to watch.

  7. ??¿¿5:54 AM

    LOL end this already!

  8. Yeahsure9:33 AM

    Yawn. Wake me up when an announcement actually appears.

  9. End the Lie Already, PR!10:08 AM

    True, very ancient news, but I think Enty's point may specifically be the timing of an "announcement". Especially since it looked like one would happen last year but then failed to materialise.

  10. Enty, you are becoming a joke. Just call this Cumberbatch marriage out as a sham and be done with it. Fake marriage, fake baby, etc. I'm assuming you want to lose all credibility here with this nonsense.

    So be it.

  11. Pett, we know he's been seen in London, but his excuse for not showing up for a Sherlock convention was he was on holiday with the family. People paid 3000 to go and he's "on holiday" lol

  12. Dean66810:15 PM

    Few days later, we may see the vacation pics of the shady couple and their lent baby.
    In the vacation of Cumberbatch, SH's exclusive paparazzi always joins.

  13. Robyn1:26 AM

    Cumberbatch/Dornan/Redmayne- all have shams of a marriage. Take your pick

  14. SnarkIsFun7:12 AM

    Ah - the requisite Cumberbatch blind. Or Redmayne. Or Dornan. They're interchangeable, aren't they?
