Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Blind Item #3

Want to know what happens when you mix steroids and coke together? Just ask this celebrity offspring who has done pretty well for himself living off the family fame. Some reality shows from the family and plenty of appearances because of the family. All going away if he lets that rage get out of hand again. Thought he finally got that drug use out of his life a few years ago. Nope. Worse than ever.


  1. Tricia1312:02 AM

    Rob Kardashian and his tweets?

  2. The Peach12:08 AM

    Brody Jenner. Hotel rage.

  3. Random Name12:15 AM

    Brody Jenner. Kicked out of some hotel.

  4. Tricia1312:18 AM

    Yep just read they kicked him out and he went ballistic ...because they entered the room with out knocking. Doesn't say why they intended to kick him off property which is the more interesting part??

  5. He wanted access to his absent managers room because the manager was holding something of his. He was denied.

  6. Tricia1312:30 AM

    Thx jack. Sounds shady

  7. Elle B12:45 AM

    brody jenner

  8. I have my doubts it's Brody Jenner.
    That guy doesn't even look like he ever lift.

  9. brody jenner...
    u can kick his ass, but give him some media attention, plz...
    btw, steroids don't work for private parts enlargement...

  10. sandybrook2:42 AM

    If Hulk Hogan's son is out of jail, this may be him.

  11. Caitlynn3:32 AM

    We've already seen enough revealing photos of Brody and little Brody....emphasis on little...he doesn't need steroids to make things smaller.

  12. Used to like him but he has revealed himself as the biggest tool in the shed. I wonder if he said, "Do you know who I am????!!!!!"

  13. Hot Cola7:00 AM

    Yet, some miserable chick agreed to marry him.

  14. back again12:12 PM

    lol....& it was a friggin' Marriott!!! ---how does a 'celeb' get kicked out of a Marriott?

  15. back again12:14 PM

    Marriott's deal with sooo many drunk wedding guests, partying prom kids,etc. with aplomb... it takes alot to get kicked out.

  16. Sharon12:21 PM

    Well, after watching that little video, I would say that someone did not get his whole 30 minute nap today! Poor widdle fella!

  17. Sharon12:23 PM

    It just shows how much money these losers really have! A Marriott??? Dang, I got no $$$ and I stay at Marriott. (And, I ain't never got kicked out!)

  18. Sharon12:24 PM

    He just might have squeezed that little gem in between "F' bombs, but I missed it if he did!

  19. Lola (the real one)12:44 PM

    Sharon and back again, I don't know what Marriott's you're staying at. The one I usually stay at is very nice and the rooms run between $800 and $1200 a night depending on whether or not it's high season.
