Sunday, September 04, 2016

Blind Item #4

This actor is A list. Movies. Almost television. Plays. He does it all. We all know he is in the closet. This is more about his a-hole behavior. He was out with his boyfriend and ordered food and drink for himself and made a big show of eating it but wouldn't let his boyfriend order anything. Just made him watch the actor.


  1. Tricia132:46 AM

    Kevin Spacey
    The jerk.

  2. Now.. I won t believe for a second the boyfriend had no $ for a meal. Or that somebody will starve because somebody else said so. Strange blind suppose to be Spacey yeah

  3. Tricia132:59 AM

    Spacey is a bit known for some kink and control issues...likes to be "Daddio" and such.If the blind is true (and agreed it's sorta silly- no ones keeping that tuna melt out of my mouth either if I'm hangry lol!), then it's just him playing master servant BS.

  4. Chickenparm3:11 AM

    I enjoy Kevin Spacey as an actor, but that being said, I wish I knew more about his alleged kink and private life. I will have the butt bongo
    drums image forever engraved in my

  5. Spacey as the tiny controlling top may be the creepiest visual ever. Blech.

  6. Guesser3:15 AM

    Sounds like how the straight actors treat their dates. Power game,plus they want them super thin.

  7. Kno Won Uno4:27 AM

    It's a dominance/submission thing, most likely.

  8. June Gordon5:08 AM

    Hey, PAY your hookers! And that includes food and cab fare.

  9. texasrose5:27 AM

    More likely his friend wasn't hungry so didn't order anything. This blind is ridiculous!!

  10. strikefour5:35 AM

    Kevin Spacey is a predator, honestly.

  11. gopats6:11 AM

    What a stupid blind. Meechum can buy his own food with that sweet HoC money.

  12. Hot Cola6:25 AM


  13. It was Keyser Soze.

  14. Darlington6:30 AM

    I don't get this blind. Maybe the guy wasn't hungry.

  15. pop it, drop it9:52 AM

    His date was probably bottoming that night and didn't want to ruin things if u kno what I mean. Very sorry I took it there, I really am.
