Friday, September 30, 2016

Blind Item #5

This permanent A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee and probably doesn't think he needs to keep looking over his shoulder any longer is trying methadone to kick his decades long heroin habit which popped up again in the past year.


  1. Tricia1312:46 AM

    Sean Penn

  2. Zilla112:50 AM

    Btw, I'm really crazy about how the mobile version of this site has started glitching and reloading pages, making it harder to post.

  3. Tricia1312:53 AM

    RE:El Chapo interview

  4. Guesser12:57 AM

    Thanks for sharing that. At first I thought is was my tablet, but that wouldn't explain the click to read more which showed in the middle of your post.

  5. mariaj1:06 AM

    I think Sean Penn, too, for that interwiew with El CHapo

  6. Zilla11:23 AM

    It is superannoying.

  7. It also keep on re-loading sometimes if you even want to reply to someone.

  8. Simon2:12 AM

    The old version of cdan was much better. I have same issues you do.

  9. Sarah S2:37 AM

    Harrison Ford

  10. Toppermadison3:53 AM

    The only person who I could see even possibly being a heroin user is Depp. He has worshiped the junkie lifestyle his whole life. Plus, friends with Keith Richards. Oh, and the whole Amber thing.

    Dog smuggling.

  11. Demonic Taylor3:58 AM

    At least he's trying to round it off at the bend with metadone.

  12. Dutch4:34 AM

    I really want Sean Penn to disappear. Maybe el Chapo is waiting for him to stop looking over his shoulder?

  13. Sbreezy295:50 AM

    @Dutch I think u are right its SP from the description of him hiding! He's gone to shit since he split with Robin, but she's just gotten better! He must be as big an as%hole as we all think!

  14. Hot Cola6:25 AM

    + Me too. Pretty soon this blog is turning to be an example in how to ruin a running blog.

  15. Hot Cola6:27 AM

    I won't cry if El Chappo feeds him to the sharks.

  16. Small Penis Porn8:04 AM

    Steven Bauer

  17. Miss Edna8:11 AM

    What happened to his incredibly promising career back in the 80s? Was it Melanie Griffin? He was in an Off-Broadway play ( a hit actually ) and he was standing next to me on the sidewalk outside the theater (Greenwich Village) and I recognized him. Tapped him on the shoulder, told him how much I loved the play, and then asked him questions about his life in Cuba. I went to school in Cuba. Long story short, we talked and talked and talked. He could not have been more adorable and charming. And smart. Always felt really bad he didn't become a huge Star. It's never too late, right? Nice guy.

  18. I ate my own head8:25 AM

    Depp looks like a dirty needle using druggie so I say it's him.

  19. I ate my own head8:26 AM

    I don't get how anyone can stand to be around him. He looks like such a nasty miserable asshole.

  20. Leslie11:47 PM

    I'm going to guess this is Leonardo DiCaprio. He just won his Academy Award, hence the not having to look over his shoulder anymore.

  21. back again2:20 PM

    @ Miss Edna, he hasn't been forgotten-he's a regular & popular on Ray Donovan and he's on some other bilingual tv show on PBS as well..
