Monday, September 12, 2016

Blind Item #6

This former A+ list singer has new music out and is already coming up with excuses should her tour bomb. She is going to cite medical issues, but is addiction and an unwillingness to stop using that could cause an abrupt end to touring.


  1. The black hole that is Lady Gaga.

  2. Malibuborebee1:19 AM

    Taylor Swift.


  3. I think most tours bomb because promoters over-estimate the demand for particular groups/singers.
    The wife and I went to see UB-40 at the Mandalay Bay Resort Beach at a cost of $45 per ticket.
    Yes, it was packed but still, UB-40 has an 80'2 following.
    Most of the young musicians today are far less talented; and there are way too many trying to be rock stars before they have more than one catchy song to sing.

  4. Guesser2:49 AM

    It's better PR to say you have a sold out tour of smaller venues than cancel half empty stadium tours making even loyal fans mad.

  5. Zilla13:09 AM

    Don Henley is playing a 5,000 seat venue in Brooklyn in a little over a week and there are still a lot of tickets left. Part of it might be that the show is on a Wednesday and Coney Island is a colossal pain in the ass to get out to anyway, but still, ouch.

  6. Lurky McLurkster3:57 AM

    $45 for UB-40?????? I think I just threw-up in my mouth a little

  7. macaroniandcheese4:11 AM

    Culture Club had expensive tickets for their last stop in my town with their tour. The local paper and radio stations wound up GIVING away tons of tickets because the venue wasn't selling them. I knew probably 20 people there and out of those 20, 19 had gone with free giveaway tickets and one paid the ticket price.

  8. Robert6:37 AM

    I agree Guesser. This summer has been a clear case for that as it seems every band that was a success in the 80's is touring. Small tiny venues and bars(some casinos). And they are selling out , in fact.

  9. Mildred Pierce6:41 AM

    Gaga. She's already getting her excuses in with talking about depression. Now Gaga is talented but her fan base have been done with her for sometime. Monsters Ball and Art rave tours had difficulty selling tickets. Her whole South American leg was a mess, and she ended up giving thousands of tickets away, otherwise she would have been playing to empty stadiums

  10. Whatever7:18 AM

    Careful, Mildred. I tried to state the same in another thread (that her career is rapidly going backwards), and I had two 'fans' of hers shoot me down very quickly lol.

    And yes, her new song is repetitive crap.

  11. ...was it Red, Red Wine?

  12. bmovie7:53 AM

    selena gomez

  13. Kno Won Uno9:31 AM

    Yeah....she really should have been able to ride the crest of that wave for a lot longer. I think she started to take herself and her music too seriously.

  14. Gypsy Trill12:18 PM

    She lost me forever with that repulsive meat dress.
