Thursday, September 22, 2016

Blind Item #6

This A- list mostly movie actor who is the lead in a move that was released in the past few weeks had a threesome while out of the country doing press. Neither of the two other people were his wife.


  1. President The Donald1:06 AM

    Vincent Chase for the win

  2. Tricia131:17 AM

    Ryan Gosling/LaLaLand
    He and Eva have been married for months apparently

  3. Tom Hanks to be different

  4. MontanaMarriott1:29 AM

    Tom Hanks?

  5. Tricia131:30 AM

    Noooo not Sully!! (Think he's A+ or more lol). But not Sully....:(

  6. Opens tomorrow.

  7. Matt C2:13 AM

    Wasn't it just revealed that they AREN’T married?

  8. peopleselbow2:18 AM


    He's in Japan. Yellow fever perhaps ?

  9. sandybrook2:20 AM

    Yes Us said they were Kneepads said nope

  10. Davis2:48 AM

    How can Tom Hanks be only A list here or anywhere? The same rating as a James Franco or Shia La Douche?? Can't be.

  11. P Dempsey

  12. I agree Hanks is A+++. He seems like such a great nice guy it would break my heart to ever hear anything bad about him. I did hear he and Rita like kinky tho lol.

  13. SnarkIsfun4:43 AM

    @KTV - not sure that Dempsey is A list, or even mostly movie, but I can certainly believe the cheating angle.

  14. maley4:59 AM

    oh no....

    so I was really curious and pulled up the releases for the past four weeks.

    ....honestly, there isn't anyone that fits besides Tom Hanks.

    he's married, was in Japan to promote Sully....
    and the tabloids lately have RANDOMLY been having them on covers saying their marriage is over. it's kind of bizarre to see them as tabloid fodder after so long of them being the opposite.

    so yea, sadly, I guess Tom Hanks

  15. Tricia135:56 AM

    Joseph Gordon Levitt/Snowden- in random pix.
    Realized Doesn't specify gender of "participants"

  16. kellyM6:21 AM

    I totally forgot he was married!

    my gaydar always pinged for him as closeted tho.

    did he go anywhere yet besides toronto to promote the film though?

  17. kellyM6:21 AM

    also is he truly an A- actor?

  18. back again1:21 PM

    Tom Hanks is NOT A-.....he's A+

  19. back again1:26 PM

    Jamie Dornan in "The 9th Life Of Louis Drax" ?

  20. back again1:27 PM

    akkk he's foreign

  21. Tricia1310:52 PM

    @kellyM- I had totally forgotten as well which I why I said naaah when I first thought of it(He's the clear lead in Snowden). Think he has a baby as well? But he pinged for me too, and then I realized the bi was gender neutral hmmm. Hey, if him , maybe it was women and he's a ladykiller afterall?!
