Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Blind Item #6

The secret male lover of that foreign born legend that recently died is talking. A lot. He should stay quiet for a book or movie or something. One thing he did say was the couple liked to drink their own urine for improved health. Umm, ok.


  1. Tricia131:00 AM

    David Bowie...

  2. Zilla11:02 AM

    Bowie and someone. At the height of his coke and paranoia phase in the 70's, he was storing his urine in bottles for fear it would be stolen and used in some nefarious way against him.

  3. Tricia131:12 AM

    That's right, I think I remember that from somewhere--but the embibing part ?! Maybe it was to help prevent skurvy lol. (Or Enty made it up...)

  4. Guesser1:16 AM

    Of course I heard this story,but I'm curious who the no doubt long ago lover is that's talking. A lot of athletes have.been known to do this,and I have also heard that drug users do this, reclaiming the drugs I suppose. It's been claimed for a lot of health reasons, including preventing cancer. Don't think it works.

  5. Guesser1:19 AM

    One would think it would be much more likely to be stolen if you're storing it, drugs really make people stupid.

  6. No idea about the health benefits but it aint gonna hurt you. Urine is sterile.

  7. sandybrook2:23 AM

    When Kesha had some kind of show on E! she drank her urine.

  8. I never understood the drink your own urine fascination.
    All you are doing is putting the contaminants from processed blood back in your system to be processed out again.
    Makes no sense to me.
    BTW: Urine eventually will turn into ammonia, so storing it just makes it another product altogether.

  9. Malibuborebee3:05 AM

    Buddhist monks do this. It has some sort of spiritual connotation as well as a physical one. I have no idea how they can stand it but I'm not a Buddhist monk.

  10. Justmook3:10 AM

    W.T.F. GROSS ...SMH

  11. longtimereader3:24 AM

    Well watersports is a popular porn search...

  12. Diablooo3:27 AM

    Bowie..... and??? This should be interesting.

  13. Pdxpdx4:12 AM

    This is Juan Gabriel.

  14. Well Mick Jaggers ex sad she found them in bed together; I am sure Bowie has more than one secret.

  15. anna from savannah5:06 AM

    Waaaay too much information, dude!

  16. Guesser5:12 AM

    You're probably right, but the long time ex lover already wrote a book on their romance, it seemed to have no effect on his career. Maybe another one that thinks he deserves some money, you would think he would wait a week or two.

  17. Guesser5:16 AM

    This was regarding the Juan Gabriel answer, I have no idea how it ended up here.

  18. Zilla16:51 AM

    That was Angie Bowie, David's ex-wife.

  19. Why is everyone saying Bowie? He died in January. 9 months doesn't qualify as "recently died."

  20. When I was ten and my brother was eight we were in a hospital hallway in Taiwan while our mom was in a doctor's appointment. A male patient came up to us, still hooked to his IV, and kept on asking us if we were virgins. Given that we were young and somewhat sheltered, we had no idea what 'virgin' meant and could only look at him in confusion. (I think I answered, 'I don't know?') My mom happned to finish her appointment and came out just as he was getting frustrated with us and told him to get lost. Turns out he wanted to buy our virgin urine because superstition says virgin urine (virgurine?) cures cancer. My mom told him to get lost and was super flustered when I kept on asking her what he wanted and what 'virgin' meant.

  21. Guesser11:30 AM

    I think Bowie is a popular guess because the urine drinking story has been around for decades. I think less than a year is recent, but I think the Juan Gabriel guess is likely correct.

  22. peopleselbow12:13 PM


    The Bowie guess is just stupid.

  23. peopleselbow12:16 PM

  24. S.D.AUNTIE1:25 PM

    NO. Juan Gabriel being gay was not a secret. Just look at his picturez. He looks like a Latin Liberace.

  25. Small Penis Porn6:35 PM ya drink it over ice or straight outa the spigot?
