Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Blind Item #8

This foreign born B+ list mostly movie actor is hooking up with the daughter of the homeowner who allows him to surf in front of his house. Wonder if the celebrity girlfriend of our actor knows.


  1. Tricia131:46 AM

    Liam Hemsworth/Miley

  2. sandybrook2:33 AM

    I had to look at the end of the Voice last night--Miley is looking a bit chunky--and she said she's a vegan, must be very healthy veggies she's eating.

  3. "Allows him to surf in front of his house?" West coast beaches are public, Enty, you don't need anyone's permission.

  4. June Gordon3:26 AM

    "I had to look at the end of the Voice last night–Miley is looking a bit chunky–and she said she’s a vegan, must be very healthy veggies she’s eating."

    Vodka is made from potatoes.

  5. Hothotheat3:37 AM

    I agree it's Miley. BUT vegan does not equal skinny or even healthy. Potato chips are vegan assuming they are fried in veg oil. There are so many vegan alternatives to meat centered things but they're not fat free. Vegans have come a long way from the good ol hippie days when the only thing non-animal related was fresh vegetables.

  6. sandybrook3:41 AM

    And Miley smokes a lot so she gets munchies and must eat a lot of potato chips w/ dips maybe? And her voice has gotten really deep and husky too, like a heavy cigarette smoker would have.

  7. Sharper Teeth4:13 AM

    Oreos are vegan. That's my fave example. Plus, fruit has a lot of sugars, too.

  8. any (not just long green) beans, peas (not just snow pea)...
    good luck to keep ur body slim w/ this diet...
    & hummus (my fav!)...

  9. Thalia4:24 AM

    in the picture with billy idol she looks like she's in shape, her abs are out and she's in a crop top.


    Every time I read one of your comments, after I get up off the floor from laughing, I picture the REAL June. Mel Brooks! Is that you?!

  11. Live in Southern California. There are beaches that have "no public access". So, while not technically private, you can't get to them unless you live there.

  12. BTownGirl10:25 AM

    Yup - I live in MA and our neighborhood beach is "public" with an entrance between my house and my next door neighbor's, but there's no parking lot and no street parking allowed.

  13. Guesser10:35 AM

    Miley looked great on Fallon last week, she looked emaciated during her last tour. If you remember her from her teen years, she is not naturally super thin. She also seems more together lately.

  14. Guesser10:44 AM

    The protein based vegan foods that are used in place of meats tend to be very high calorie, like nuts, seeds,peanut butter, and very high fat. Ounce for ounce, if the fat isn't reduced, the calories would be much higher than lean meat.

  15. S.D.AUNTIE8:28 PM

    Malibu has shoreline 's that 's private and Geffen has been sued about his private beach. Rancho Palos Verde has a Local surf gang will physically assault you if you're not local. There is a current injuction to tear their clubhouse down and local polticans are dragging their feet! I would assume it's Malibu. Liam needs to stop cheating and be honest with Miley. Using her for publicity?

  16. monkee3:45 AM

    Or have a boat.
