Thursday, September 15, 2016

Blind Item #9

I feel like I missed a split announcement. I checked. Apparently this acting couple is still together. She is way way higher on the list. She is foreign born and B+ list. Had a franchise that ended. Big one. Based on books that were actually good. Anyway, she was making out with some guy at a party this past week. She was drunk. Maybe that will be her excuse if she is busted by her boyfriend.


  1. Elle B4:41 AM

    evangeline lilly

  2. She's dating or married to a camera guy from Lost. So it's not about her.

  3. CindyC10:31 AM

    Emma Watson? not sure who she is dating.

  4. back again12:34 PM

    My immediate thought was Natalie Dormer (Hunger Games Franchise) but her beau Anthony Byrne is a 'Director'....not an actor.

  5. back again5:50 PM

    Marion Cotillard and actor boyfriend Guillaume Canet---her franchise: The Dark Knight/Batman Series directed By Christopher Nolan

  6. back again6:01 PM

    nevermind.... Marion's pregnant(i think)

  7. Elle B3:18 AM

    shoot I read "acting couple" as currently acting as a couple. who do you think it is?

  8. Is Emma Watson dating an actor? Or maybe someone from the Chronicles of Narnia movies? I guess I'm thinking younger actresses, but it could be an older actress from the Hunger Games or Harry Potter. The problem for me is there's a lot of film franchises based on books, but I don't know anything about the books to know which are considered good other than a few of them. (Like Harry Potter, Chronicles of Narnia & Lord of the Rings.)

  9. Maria3510:42 PM

    I think it's Naomi Watts and Liev Schreiber, I think they are not actually married

    Franchise: Divergent

  10. Maria3510:44 PM

    Nah... Liev is not far far down than her on the list, so scratch this guess
