Saturday, September 10, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 8, 2016

This foreign born celebrity chef/reality star went a little overboard with the botox and other work done to his face. He has been trying to cover it up, but he has made a big mess with his decisions.

Gordon Ramsay


  1. NurseR4:09 AM

    I don't know how Botox could fix him? His face looks like a relief map of off road vehicle access routes. Fillers and stretch/tuck maybe, but botox? Still, would love to see a real time photo.

  2. sunshine4:34 AM

    Love him. "That's not risotto, you donkey!" Is the best line ever.

  3. Miss Edna5:40 AM

    Me, too! Wouldn't you just love to spend an evening with him on the town going from pub to cafe to pub all night!! I could mentally dine on that for the rest of my life! If you ever arrange it, please remember to invite me along. I'll be the designated driver.

  4. Kno Won Uno11:14 AM

    I agree. It wasn't wrinkles that were his biggest problem (though I like him "craggy"), fillers +/- surgery is more likely.

  5. NurseR1:33 PM

    I wish I could see a photo. A couple of years back it was said he had some work done but as far as I could tell he still looked...craggy was your word? Good word, that.

  6. Hot Cola1:48 PM

    You for got to mention " in brile lettering"..

  7. Hot Cola1:51 PM

    * that was ment for @nurseR first comment..

  8. dazzle4:47 PM

    NurseR- you had me laughing hard & long, thanks for a nice laugh!
