Friday, September 16, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 28, 2016

This married A- list mostly television actress from a hit ABC show was pressed into a dark corner at a recent event and making out with her married co-star. He was not even supposed to show up and only stayed a few minutes. Long enough for them to get very cozy.

Kerry Washington/Tony Goldwyn


  1. When your shenanigans so closely mirror your plot lines it's hard take it seriously.

  2. Malibuborebee1:36 AM

    Are they still together? Long, drawn out affairs are such bullshit. Anyone who really wants out of the relationship they are in can reason ably end it within six months. The legal matters probably won't be settled that quickly but the breaking up/moving out can be accomplished in that time frame. Beyond that, they're just getting off on the drama.

  3. christine1:39 AM

    i always wondered about them. So just get divorced and be together already instead of sneaking around.

  4. Kno Won Uno2:10 AM

    Some people like the 'affair' part and aren't looking to change anything, though.

  5. Guesser2:38 AM

    Look at how many affairs end when the marriage ends. Happens all the time.

  6. HH3144:03 AM

    BS blind

  7. June Gordon4:15 AM

    Oh, honey he is so fine I'd be on the floor under them getting me a little lick ever time he pulled his huge YKW out of her kitty.

    I'm sitting here smoking me some medicine just THINKING about it y'all!!!!!!

  8. NoseyNeighbor4:17 AM

    The show must be about to start soon.

  9. Malibuborebee4:44 AM

    I agree @Kno, they're getting off on the drama of the affair. Going as far as having a kid together and the single partner getting into a fake marriage for cover is a little unusual.

    I don't understand why they would bother going to these lengths. It's not 1830 for fuck's sake.

  10. Kno Won Uno4:53 AM

    Entertainers live for attention & drama, I think.
    They must think they're in some romantic tragedy 24/7. Must be hell to live with those people.

  11. Sarah6:06 AM

    For supposedly being people who should know about gossip and about the Hollywood games, the people on this site sure aren't very informed or clever about any of this.
    1) it's not an affair, Kerry Washington isn't married to the football leftover people call her husband, anyone checking that ridiculous marriage license in a semi thorough way knows that . If you don't see how that marriage license is laughable, then you're too dumb to be helped. Tony Goldwyn isn't married either and hasn't been for such a long time, his second kid managed to go to college in the meantime.
    2) they are a couple and have been for many years and both children are of course Tony Goldwyn's children
    3) Kerry Washington is a black woman, the first actress to get a leading role in many decades on TV, who got pregnant with the child of a white man, a Goldwyn no less, that by public perception was still married at the time. She would have been called a wh-ore and a homewrecker for her entire life had they told the truth back then. And before you try to say it's 2016, get a glimpse of the news and of what black people go through every day and then shut up. Angelina Jolie, who is white, is still called a wh-ore and a homewrecker to the day. Don't even try. Enter the organized fake marriage with a totally irrelevant dude that no one ever gave a damn about. Who, by the way, is gay. The marriage is just for image purposes and nothing but, and it was going to be dissolved in the eyes of the public last year already. She got pregnant again, and it got delayed.
    4) the show is not coming back any time soon, it's not back until February. This has nothing to do with the show and everything to do with what's happening with her being pregnant and them going to the Emmys.
    5) so it's not that difficult to understand, unless of course one doesn't have a clue about what is actually going on and about certain marriages being just a cover and not even actually existing in legal terms. Which seems to be the case with people here. Can't follow everything, I get it.

  12. I've always thought this actually. Kudos to you.

  13. Thea Fitzpatrick7:01 AM

    Excellent Post. I believe it's totally true.

  14. She's obviously trying to protect her rep and career.

  15. Malibuborebee8:21 AM

    They could put a reasonable cover on him splitting from his wife. Easily. They could start dating a few months later. Easily. People would know but who cares?

    If fucking around and going from one partner/wife/whatever to the next were a handicap in show business then we'd have a lot fewer people in show business.

  16. Malibuborebee8:25 AM

    You went and pulled her marriage certificate?

    You've went and pulled Goldwyn's divorce decree?

    Are you some kind of superfan?

  17. This not for me but I'll answer. She/her camp leaked the marriage license. I heard from someone when it happened that it was fake and the Asomugha camp did it the wrong way.

  18. She's paranoid and it's obvious she cares about public perception.

  19. glly-yo10:10 AM

    Almost...except ya Jolie gets called a homewrecker, but HAS IT HARMED HER CAREER? Nope. If anything the drama of it and her marriage to Brad Pitt made her even more of a hot property.

  20. If Kerry is so private why the fuck is she making out in public with Tony? This shit makes no sense at this point they've been undercover for awhile now. If Tony has been divorced for years why the fuck couldn't they just let the world know they were together? Kerry wasn't married or pregnant at the beginning of Scandal in 2011/2012. See how this shit makes no sense? What's to hide if neither one of them were married before she got pregnant. They were two single people who fell for each other what's to hide? But they choose to make out in public so are they really hiding? GTFOH SMDH

  21. How do you know Asumogha (sp?) the football player, is gay? Where's the proof?
    And where's prof of Kerry & Tony making out "in public"?

  22. Tony IS married and has been for yrs. a old friend of mine is close w/his family. VERY close.

    He nor his wife have to lie about this, what kind of fanfiction made up stuff is this??
    Hollywood swap outs and switching of men is done all the time. Ms Washington would not go thru all of this "privacy" and be out smooching it up at an open party...

    I guess a "conspiracy" makes it all the more interesting. I ma not saying they are not seing each other, I have no knowledge but I do know that Tony is legally married to his wife..

  23. I was sure that this weekend we would be entitled to the blinds Items on Tony and Kerry.
    It's been over three and a half years that they are under the radar, and there is still nothing. Yes they are all 2 in strange weddings, yes they would form a beautiful couple, yes may be they took good time together but frankly TG is extremely close to his two daughters, you believed, seriously, he would let another man claim his children. Come back to earth.

  24. I'm sure he was married. Which why they hiding.

  25. He been left his ex. Stop lying.

  26. I believe T and K are already legally married end of story. They are trying to keep it quiet because of career and financial opportunities.

  27. Perfectly Imperfect7:02 AM

    I'm thinking that it might be part of his divorce agreement that he and Kerry do not go public for a certain period of time and spare his ex-wife and their kids any negative publicity. In addition to other obvious reasons..

  28. Reagan10:51 AM

    Seriously Tony is not letting another man claim his children. Since you have not noticed the fake husband doesn't say Kerry's name or talk about her children. Tony is the only one that talks about Kerry and his two children. The fake husband doesn't claim his own 2 that took him to court for child support and DNA testing. Tony and Kerry love each other and I have seen them in person.
