Thursday, September 08, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 26, 2016

At least you have to give this A list reality star some credit for coming up with an excuse to explain her new plastic surgery. She knows people will move on to some other part of her body at some point and forget about this part until she does it again.

Kylie Jenner/breast implants


  1. Malibuborebee1:22 AM

    What was her excuse? She needed bigger tits to match her big fake ass? Her big fake lips? Her fake nails, her fake hair, her fake tan? Her fake boyfriend? What?

  2. parissucksliterally1:45 AM

    She said she had food poisoning, which is why she was missing from social media for a few days. Please, we all know she would have Snapchatted her barf or Instagrammed her sitting on the toilet with diarrhea if she were sick. The only reason anyone in that family does not post on social media is because they got work done.

  3. NovaNightly1:50 AM

    What she said!! ^^ They don't get sick, they get plastic. (hi PSL!)

  4. AlmondJoy1:55 AM

    That is a lot of fakery. It goes with the personality--which I am sure is just as fake as the rest of her.

  5. Kymomof3fe1:59 AM

    I think I read where she blamed it on her monthly cycle. I mean come on! Soreness, tenderness, yes. Maybe even a little bit of increase in size and that's being generous to say that. But, going up cup sizes! Give me a break, that's like her or her sisters saying they have never had any plastic surgery of any kind. If you're going to have it done, fess up! People aren't blind and stupid.

  6. she needs a brain implant, but wasted her easy money for a superficial crap (boyfriend included)...

  7. "she needs a brain implant"

    They all do.
