Saturday, September 10, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 9, 2016

Last ditch effort to save the marriage of this foreign born dual threat A lister. She left their kid at home and flew halfway across the world for a quick trip to see if their marriage can be salvaged. Judging by both of their actions away from each other, things are looking over.

Sophie Hunter/Benedict Cumberbatch


  1. C'Mon, Enty!
    I'm waiting for the Reveal that says Ben is 'NOT the father' of Sohie's baby!
    (Thanks, Maury!)

  2. sandybrook2:54 AM

    fake marriage anyway--real divorce not likely

  3. Daido3:30 AM

    hahaha, Cumber is father that boy, but she is not his mother. Surrogate baby for gay man.

  4. Daido3:32 AM

    Cumber is father that boy, she is not his mother. Surrogate baby for gay man

  5. morgan54:38 AM

    He always looks bored af when he's with her.

  6. Whatever5:08 AM

    I care about this about as much as the two participants seem to, which is not at all.

  7. Guesser7:12 AM

    I still don't get these likely gay actors who marry and have babies with woman they can't stand. Weren't they friends before?

  8. Yeahsure8:58 AM

    The real question is, are they holding up the divorce announcement out of deference to the TayTo split, so their pal Tom can milk the PR for all it's worth, or are they holding it up because THEY want to milk every bit of PR out of it and can't while people are still talking about Hiddleswift??

    Oh wait - they're not really married, so how can they get divorced? I guess the All Powerful Hunter is going to be able to fool a hotsy-totsy British law firm the way she fooled a CoE vicar, the Portland Hospital, the UK government, and all Cumberbatch's friends and family?


  9. Scandi Sanskrit9:57 AM

    So? What's the big deal? I believe everyone is somewhere on the Kinsey scale, but FWIW I don't think he's a monosexual gay man (as in someone solely attracted to men). I don't get the bisexual invisibility and biphobia with you people. It's 2016, FFS.

    And second of all: I am someone who can't have children for health reasons. If this is a surrogate situation, then I'll take notes from these two for if/when I ever want children of my own... Note taken: Do not plan children anywhere near the run of my fastest selling play evar/an Oscar campaign. And more importantly: Do not plan to have my child with someone I'd use like 5 layers of male condoms + 2 layers of female condoms with for precaution because I wouldn't even risk having an oopsie with them... Let alone go through all that trouble of arranging a surrogacy.

  10. she's not the powerful one, Ben is the powerful one with all the bribery money. all she needed to do was blackmail her cashcow.

  11. remember she doesnt have her own PR team. it was his PR team who scrubbed off all her photos on those "modeling agencies"

  12. Kno Won Uno11:10 AM

    I don't know you, but I like you.

  13. Scandi Sanskrit11:45 AM

    Wow. I would absolutely love to live in this utopia where "hotsy-totsy British law firms" don't actually exist to bury truths at the right price and "CoE vicars" can't be bought. Ever heard of Transparency International?

    Imagine all the people, living life in peace... You... You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one...

  14. And how are you privy to the details of their marriage? Don't flatter your sad self.

  15. sandybrook7:11 PM

    Look at this poor, pathetic loser alone by itself on a Saturday night posting on CDaN at 2am bwahahah. No wonder why you're such an idiot, you're sad and lonely and pathetic. Go fu<k yourself you pathetic piece of shit.

  16. TopperMadison10:09 PM

    Wha?? I have to say I've never heard " monosexual gay man" before. Is that seriously a thing? Is it really all that necessary to subdivide sexual preferences into so many levels? I'm not being snarky. What's wrong with the basics anyway? Gay, Straight, Bi-Sexual, and Asexual. That truly does cover everyone, doesn't it, 'cause I can't mathematically figure out more than four ways to connect only two things--technically there's only three, but adding in the "no connection" makes it four.

  17. Yeahsure12:02 AM

    They always respond exactly as predicted. Oh, welcome back cumbercrazies! I so missed you when Hiddleswift was dominating the gossip blogs.

    Oh, and hotsy totsy law firms exist to make money, and occasionally especially in divorce cases both sides tend to, ah, shall we say, varnish the truth.

    But the idea that a law firm such as, for example, the ones that represented people like Charles and Diana (you can look Miskhon up on the web, Lord Mishkon rep'd Diana - that's a "hotsy totsy: law firm) would actually endanger its entire basis for existing by setting up visitation, custody, school fees and child support for a non-existent child and a marriage that doesn't exist is the real fantasy land.

    Of course, those who Know The Truth could always submit an amicus brief to the court, send in anonymous tips, write to the newspapers - and talk about how Benedict Cumberbatch, an actor of, let's face it, not on the level of, say, Pitt and Clooney, used his rather modest fortune (he's not Richard Branson) to corrupt the staff of the Portland Hospital, the leadership of the Mottistone parish on the IOW, the records department of the British government, and subsequently, a high quality English solicitor who might have gotten out of the best schools in Britain but is too dumb to know when he's being snowed and/or for a bit of extra money is willing to be snowed, AND the English courts . . .

    Maybe we should see what the hugely powerful Cumberbatch/Hunter could do with Assad, Putin, and North Korea.

  18. 1. you think Sophie Hunter is at Princess Diana's level? you the same level of care Princess Di got's gonna be given to Sophie Hunter? when nothing but Benedict's reputation at stake? now who's delusional?

    2. you're literally on a site run by an ex-entertainment lawyer who knew all kind of dirt and you think we're the crazy deluded ones?

  19. You skeptics like to conveniently forget that the original entry a) sold the site to someone else, b) was a probate lawyer, not an entertainment lawyer, whatever that is, and c) admits in their own disclaimer that the site is bullshit. But I forgot, the skeptics "know things" and "medical tumblr " knows something is up. Get help.

  20. Malibuborebee1:38 PM

    If someone were going to set up a fake relationship to hide his homosexuality, wouldn't he do a better job of it? I mean, she fell pregnant and it was rather embarrassing. They rushed the marriage.

    Yes, it's probably going to end in divorce sooner rather than later but I'm not sure why it can't be exactly what it looks like. Cumbersnatch is a lovely actor but he's not really a master of deception or anything.
