Sunday, September 11, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 12, 2016

This B+ list mostly movie actress who just had a monster bomb of a movie open seems to be leaning more to continuing her relationship with her trainer and dumping her A+ list husband.

Jennifer Garner/Ben Affleck


  1. sandybrook3:09 AM

    Why would she want Ben's bloated drunk/high ass now? He's screwing anything he can find anyway.

  2. Ok, but didn't they split already? How is this news?

  3. Tiggytiti3:20 AM

    Don't think she'll ever leave. What other choice does she have if she wants to keep her current lifestyle? Hollywood is unkind to 40+ women.

  4. sandybrook3:21 AM

    They still live in the same house and she's not yet divorcing him.

  5. June Gordon3:24 AM

    I can't see that hooker settling for a mere trainer.

    She's always used her kitty to snag bigger and bigger fish in the entertainment industry.

  6. Tiggytiti3:38 AM

    Agree June but no one else is gonna want her. Maybe Ben & Jen will stay married and just have trainer side pieces

  7. Velvet Elvis4:03 AM

    How else is Jen Garner gonna get the sheen off an A+ lister? It's her pathway to 24/7 paps (that she calls every time she steps out the front door)

  8. austin4:05 AM

    Umm.. Jennifer's personal trainer's name is Valerie Waters.
    Is this blind inferring what it seems to be?

  9. blank4:30 AM

    she is seriously gonna regret the 'will they wont they' status when it comes to her kids growing up...theyre little right now but getting older and more, of course....they can get info anywhere w/the internet friends outside their mom's control etc

    her children are gonna be royally screwed up by her doormat ways. especially the daughters.....

  10. blank4:31 AM

    considering her whole schtick is family/church/love/housewife

    im not surprised she stays. she appeals to a certain....crowd.......

  11. French girl4:46 AM

    this blind is made up or now you understand why Jennifer is low key about it

  12. Malibuborebee6:13 AM

    + 1000 @June. St. Jen does not fuck down, always upward, and she doesn't leave until the next one's in place.

    I suppose she could be banging some trainer on the side for recreation. Wasn't she supposedly banging an executive? Maybe that was just business.

    She'd jump ship for an older power player - key word being "power." Otherwise, she'll hang on to Ben with both hands, both legs and a bottle of super glue if necessary.

    She got him past the ten year goalpost last year so he's on the hook for the maximum. He'll dump her eventually no matter what she does. On the bright side, he'll be a great next mark for Amber Heard.

  13. Malibuborebee6:17 AM

    She's not a doormat, she just plays one for the paps. She's more like a landshark.

    Having two nasty, selfish, narcissistic parents will probably screw up their kids. Hope for good domestic staff now and a few years on the couch later on.

  14. This B is the type to live by the motto, if I can't have him, no one can.

  15. It actually makes A LOT of sense. What kind of woman would put up with Ben's cheating, gambling, drinking, and other public humiliations for 10 years unless she had something to hide? Why would a guy like him even bother to get married and have kids as it is clear he prefers to spend his time at the blackjack table surrounded by strippers? Both needed the marriage for their own agenda. It would be amazing if she were in the closet. She is always smiling, smiling, smiling when she's with her blonde friend, they are attached at the hip, maybe in more ways than one?!

  16. Dude. She is so much of a doormat, she might as well have WELCOME tattooed on her forehead. A stronger woman would have left him ages ago.

  17. Check out the DM for the latest church stroll pics. Look at what she is wearing, it is hilarious.

  18. Kno Won Uno6:57 AM

    Agreed. She may be *screwing* a trainer, but she wouldn't be seen with him/her publicly.

  19. Kno Won Uno7:00 AM

    I hate the orchestrated Holiness Stroll. Bugs me when celeb call the paps to remind them to be at church.

  20. The younger daughter is going to be a lesbian.

  21. You are all serious assholes

  22. HH3143:24 AM

    Yep, myself included. That comment about her children is unnecessary. And I 100% agree with June's assessment of Jen Garner. She is a calculating cold woman and as far from doormat as it gets. She will cling to Affleck as long as it suits her purpose and will dump him in a flash when it doesn't.
