Saturday, September 10, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #7

August 11, 2016

This A- list singer/part-time actress has been spinning a couple of items this week courtesy of her team. The first is how many great songs she has for her new record. The second is that her actor ex is begging for her to take him back.

Lady GaGa


  1. Derek your favorite cart attendant at Von's4:01 AM

    Perfect Illusion sucks in that "Derek says he nailed it when we all know he's just asking for attention" kind of a way.

  2. sunshine4:10 AM

    Does anyone even care about her? I doubt that guy wants her back either. Had to be an arrangement because she's fugly and annoying. What's his damage if he really was in a relationship with her?

  3. Snookiemonster4:26 AM


  4. Whatever5:00 AM

    Her new song is pitiful and will deservedly flop. It's pretty clear that people who download/ buy singles are no longer remotely interested in her.

  5. Desperate fraud who should've never gotten a chance at fame.

  6. Derek Harvey5:51 AM

    You get enough attention on the 20 sites like Anarchy and

  7. Derek Harvey5:56 AM

    *Dlisted etc etc that you waist your entire life on, "CaliCheesesucks". I guess being a complete nutter and bitch isolates you from building real relationships or you know having a job...Why make fun of a hardworking cart attendant?? At least they dont sit on their fat ass trolling all day (prob collecting welfare) Why didnt you send in a selfie? Too ugly? Too ashamed?

    Looking forward to the 20 responses under random names like "blahblah" I will receive but know very well -I know they are ALL YOU. And nice to see I still occupy your thoughts ALL DAY.

  8. Eh. I've heard it and don't hate it. Obviously she knows how to put a song together.

  9. Derek Harvey5:59 AM

    Her new song sucks (she REALLY needed to knock it out of the park again-and failed) and is another blatant Madonna rip-off (this time it is Papa Dont Preach)-Has she NO shame? Jeesh...

  10. AyyyPapi6:01 AM

    It hit #1 on iTunes within hours of being released.

    One thing to not like her, another to make up claims that people don't care about her or her music when the opposite is pretty obvious.

  11. Wendy6:11 AM

    Wasn't there a rumor a long time ago about her being a hermaphrodite? I wonder how that started lol

  12. there's plenty of frauds in pop, gaga isn't one of them. she's one of a very small group that can actually sing, perform across genres and play instruments

  13. Guesser6:54 AM

    I'm pretty sure she started the rumor herself. When she first came out,she was a pro at working the media. She really lost her touch.

  14. Derek your favorite cart attendant at Vons7:29 AM

    Damn. If you get that upset when a troll pokes you, I sure would hate to see what happens when you have real troubles, like when you eat too much fiber and have to rush to take a dump :p

  15. Derek Harvey8:04 AM

    Uh-poking me would be responding to a post I wrote. You are more obsessed with me- talking about me when I am not around...but you are too dumb to know the difference...

  16. Diana8:58 AM

    Song sucks. She hasn't put out decent music in years.

  17. @sage

    She's a fraud, and it has nothing to do with her middling talent.

  18. Sherman12:13 PM

    I loved her early music but not the new song. I think she's a good person but the stardom makes them all crazy. Her ex is so hot. I just can't see them together. Doubt he wants her back. Sad because I know she's crazy about him

  19. Do explain how she's a fraud and how she only has "middling talent" compared to other pop stars.

  20. Lauren3:09 PM

    The fraud comments come from her shady beginnings. Google Lina Morgana and you will find out far more than you want to know. It's quite eerie, actually.

  21. I don't know why people here give you such a hard time, Derek. I think you would be cool to hang out with!!

  22. "compared to other pop stars"

    I see what you did there. She's no more talented than any other Fame school brat or theater kid. As far as her fraud ways, she's already been exposed many times over. Her tax shelter she called a charity, swagger jacking her best friend who mysteriously died, exploiting her gay fans by for years pretending she was part of the community herself, maintaining a fake feud with that loser Perez Hilton for blog hits, stiffing her former manager Troy, shamefully exploiting Whitney Houston's name after being accused of being a Madonna knockoff for years, I could go on....

  23. No idea what you think I "did there" but it's a valid question.

    To claim she isn't a talented singer simply isn't the truth, but believe that if you wish. That failed/botched charity set-up was funded mostly by her own money and if Gaga's ripped off Madonna then so has Miley Cyrus, Britney Spears and a million other performers and artists. 'Controversy' sold well for a hell of a long time before Madonna popped up on the scene. Copying the style of someone who hasn't had a hit since the 90s is hardly a great idea. They've also been spotted together and looking pretty friendly quite a few times throughout the last few years so that hardly holds up.

    The whole Lina Morgana conspiracy nonsense seems to be a ploy pushed by the girls mother at - surprise surprise...getting rights to Gaga's songs and the $$$ that comes with it. Plus they were put together by a producer so it's hardly 'out there' to think they had pretty similar styles.

    And it's hardly "stiffing" an employee by firing them and replacing them when you're not happy with the outcome of their work. That's how businesses and corporations the world over work.

  24. @sage

    Excuses, excuses. Can I mention her exploiting Tony Bennett for relevancy, David Bowie and whomever else she could get her maw on. Like I said any theater kid can replace her. She's shameless and soulless, she doesn't deserve fame.

  25. Malibuborebee10:46 AM

    Aww, Derek, she lurves you. lol

  26. Malibuborebee10:49 AM

    Don't hold back, @Ay, tell us what you really think about Gagga. lol

    You're not wrong.

  27. Malibuborebee10:50 AM

    Shame? Gagga? Surely you jest, Derek. ;-p

  28. "Excuses, excuses." I agree. Much more realistic to believe she's a murderer/thief etc than dealing with facts and the far more realistic options.

    Pretty sure she's gone on record saying Bowie and Bennett were inspirations for her so pretty ridiculous to assume a tribute to one of them and a jazz collaboration of all things with a 90yo crooner was an attempt at relevancy lol.
