Sunday, September 04, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #8

August 16, 2016

This foreign born A-list mostly movie actress with the catchy name is on a rampage with her people and the studio about the crap job a director did with her latest movie and wants something done about it so she is not forever associated with what will be a dead franchise.

Gal Gadot/Wonder Woman


  1. Kno Won Uno4:34 AM

    Um....wasn't she present for the making of the shit show?
    If she signed the contract and did the work, there's not much she can do except learn a tough lesson.

  2. texasrose5:15 AM

    Gal Gadot is not well known enough to be forever associated with anything. She wishes she was so well known.

  3. texasrose5:17 AM

    No way she is A list. B+ maybe....Most film goers may recognize the name and maybe even her picture but probably couldn't put them together or would confuse her with a couple of other actresses from action movies.

  4. strikefour5:33 AM

    I knew the Warner Bros. anonymous letter to Pajiba was legit.

  5. gopats6:07 AM

    Gal is not A list, not yet, and doesn't have the power to put pressure upon anybody, less a studio like WB.
    Patty Jenkins is not a crappy director. The movie could turn out bad? Sure, that happens but I doubt it will be because Patty did a crappy job. The only thing I can blame her for is the huge amount of screen time she gave in the trailer to lame actor Chris Pine, just bc WB was afraid to get a backlash Ghostbusters style for the lack of dick. That and bc Pine was wooing her with his charms. He comes out like a co-star, when it should be focused on Diana and her origins. She should know better.
    Last but not least, Gal has not the acting chops sadly, and Marvel will came up with their fort female driven superhero played by and Oscar winner.
    But that doesn't mean the movie is doomed. Pajiba letter was a Marvel stunt.

  6. Hot Cola6:19 AM

    +100 and she's not A List anything, people nearly know her name.

  7. Hot Cola6:21 AM

    * barely

  8. Darlington6:27 AM

    Hmmm, just exactly what does she want done? A reshoot? Move on, all actors have a turd in their repertoire.

  9. Shut Up!6:54 AM

    Why the hate hard on for Chris Pine? It's a trailer. You don't know how much screen time he'll have. Jared Leto was featured heavily in the suicide squad trailers but he's hardly in the film. Also 'just bc WB was afraid to get a backlash Ghostbusters style for the lack of dick' is the dumbest thing ever. You're over analyzing relax your brain it's not serious.

  10. rhinestein6:57 AM

    Just like an Israeli to want to blame everyone for their shortcomings. She is a talentless twat. Those El Al flights go both ways, baby. Take one home.

  11. sandybrook7:19 AM

    I don't think anyone expects Wonder Woman to win anyone any Oscars. If it makes $350,000,000 it will go on no matter how bad the movie is. She signed up for it for money and multiple jobs, not awards. Suicide Squad got terrible reviews, it made money, it continues.

  12. My Hollywood editor friend has a favorite saying: "They will fix it in editing.

  13. Wait, waaaay!? The very gay Chris Pines wooing his femme director? Did he just bat his eyelashes or provide a little more service?

  14. AndrewBW12:35 PM

    @texasrose If Gal Gadot is even B list I'll eat my hat!

  15. Go boil your head.

  16. sunshine1:08 PM

    The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you. It's just the synagogue of satan doing what they do best.

  17. back again1:18 PM

    Hey Enty, you wanna know what's REALLY 'foreign' in this Blind??? -your rating system.... ; )
    (it does however make the blinds more challenging ..soooo I'll give you that..).

  18. back again1:20 PM


  19. back again1:29 PM

    or/and because he's MUCH more recognizable(& thus bankable) than the majorly unknown Gal Godot...remember he's got that whole Star Trekkie cult following going on & those fans actually PAY & GO TO THE MOVIE THEATRES to see these CGI heavy films in their full,free-flying 3D glory!

  20. Melody3:25 PM

    She is not super talented, yet she has a strong screen presence in BvS. I read she is not well paid. It sucks considering the shitty quality of the movie, the damage to her career and the minimal salary she received.

  21. Is Enty late again?

  22. Simon1:31 AM

    Geez, where's enty today??

  23. Chapter 2, verse 1 of the Trump bible

  24. longtimereader3:19 AM

    It cost a fortune though, i'm not sure it's gonna make that big a profit, barely breaking even at this point.

  25. BETTY BOTOX5:15 AM

    Translate please. Don't understand what you are trying to say here.

  26. magnolia belle9:38 AM

    Speaking of Israel, did anyone connect the dots with the destruction of Mark Zuckerberg's satellite the other day? Coast to Coast AM is advertising it as being blown up by a UFO. That isn't a UFO in their photo, it's a drone! It appeared just seconds before the top exploded. Not the bottom of the missile (rocket), the top. Coincidence that everything came from Israel and it blew up on the launch pad? Z-berg says the satellite was for educational internet worldwide purposes. What was that thing really for? Obviously, someone didn't want it up there. Conspiracy theories abound!

  27. texasrose12:40 PM

    I'm glad most agree. I was afraid of dropping her too far just because she does have some fans.

  28. McMurphy5:45 AM

    I had to look her up, BUT I recognize her now as the newest WW, and I thought she was super gorgeous.
