Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Mr. X Blind Item #2

On her most recent tour, this A+ list singer went a little diva on some of her employees. In the past, she has been super nice to them, but not so much this time. Reports of having to give her at least three feet of space at all times when she was walking and her ignoring anyone and everyone unless she had a reason to interact with them.


  1. sandybrook4:32 AM


  2. Kno Won Uno4:37 AM

    Can't be Mimi because, "walking".

  3. MontanaMarriott4:38 AM


  4. Bey don't take your marriage problems out on your employees.

  5. sandybrook4:44 AM

    I'm sure mimi would be nice the the slaves that have to carry her because there's always the guy who decides to drop her on her fat butt.

  6. French girl4:44 AM


  7. AyyyPapi4:55 AM

    Rihanna's foreign born plus her tour is still going.

    I'll go with Taylor Swift.

  8. Englishrose5:13 AM

    I'd go with Swifty. Her tour being 1989 last year.

  9. Bela Mac5:49 AM

    Mariah being "a little diva", now come on?! She was always a big diva! lol

  10. +me, she isn't a 'country ingenue' anymore, she's a pop music STARRR...

  11. motte6:16 AM

    definitely taylor swift

    the backup dancers went to katy perry's tour and left hers bc they liked working with taylor better, called taylor cold and not as much fun/personable

    that entire truth made her write "bad blood" - and about katy perry too..when it was the tour dancers choice.


  12. motte6:17 AM

    sorry, not 'working with taylor better' i meant 'working with katy better than swift'

  13. Hothotheat6:25 AM

    "in the past she has been super nice to them" - not Swifty. JHud?

  14. June Gordon6:54 AM


  15. Juank6:57 AM

    Diana Ross

  16. Gary Burnaska8:37 AM

    Starting to think that motte is right about the dancers. If I had a choice between katy Perry or Taylor Swift to hang out with. Id take katy because she seems more chill and fun to be with. Taylor comes off as exhausting. Her 7/4 bouncy castle party looked like it was scripted and scheduled down to the minute for the perfect IG pic.

    Ryan Reynolds looked like he was getting the life force drained from him.

    7/4/2016 NEVER FORGET

    Taylor is going to be one of these parents who over schedules her children to get the perfect fantasy childhood and once adolescence hits, or the tween years. They will push back.

    Her daughter will become a #altbuttslutt that will be covered in tattoos, piercings and frequent clubs, pants optional. She will be the honor student compared to her son.

    He will spend 3 months in an institution for lighting one of her future cats on fire


    His IG will be him in full tactical gear showing off his extensive AIRSOFT gun collection like he is some sort of spec ops BlackWater Ralphie, from Xmas Story and will just live in his room and sustain himself on Mountain Dew and Ceasars Hot and Readys while playing Call of World of Whatever.

    That is just the kids from the first marriage.

  17. I think Taylors tour is too far back but Beyonce just got back from a big European tour... the dancers got a month off before the current one just started. Could be why she allowed the engagement of her dance Captain to happen on stage. Help her rep.

  18. longtimereader3:20 AM

    Swifty is smart enough to treat her employees well. There was a previous blind about her giving huge bonuses due to her success, plus most of them have been touring with her for over a decade. I'd go with riri or bey.

  19. Virginia Hor8:27 PM

