Thursday, October 13, 2016

Blind Item #1

Apparently this B list NFL player is taking his bad play of late out on his marriage, He is cheating on his celebrity wife way more than he normally does.


  1. Tricia1311:30 PM

    Kroy Biermann/Kim Z

  2. sandybrook11:32 PM

    I'd say Jay Cutler but he's hurt. Still could be him, though. I don't think Russell Wilson is only B and he's gay gay gay anyway.

  3. sandybrook11:38 PM

    not in league now

  4. Tricia1311:41 PM

    I read "bad play of late" to be getting cut from Buffalo Bills for sucking lol?

  5. blahblah11:46 PM

    Hes still considered a football player, i believe hes signing on a different team? And def B list, with a celebrity wife. So i suspect tricia got it right

  6. Eric Johnson

  7. Eric Decker and Jessie James

  8. Tony Romo

  9. Lurky McLurkster12:44 AM

    I like this guess

  10. Hothotheat3:33 AM

    Romo has been injured since before the season started, not him. I like Cutler for this one but I also don't follow football. I only know about Romo because I'm in Dallas the local sports guys won't shut up about him.

  11. Also injured, and I honestly don't think he is a cheater.

  12. Decker was my 1st guess...he's got some new injury.

  13. Good guess. +1

  14. Wendy7:36 AM

    I'm with the Jay Cutler guess...but he's been playing shitty for a couple seasons now, but he's been injured for a couple games. Not sure how many other NFL players have a celebrity wife.

  15. Cutler has been out most of the season as well, so he doesn't have any play of late - good, bad, or mediocre. This sounds like someone who is already a known cheater. Is Victor Cruz's wife famous? He's a notorious cheater. And I don't think he's been having a particularly good season, from what I've heard (don't follow the Giants, so just based off comments I see here and there).
