Saturday, October 29, 2016

Blind Item #4

This foreign born actress is A- list right now. One franchise probably about to end after its most recent release and another one still going strong. She doesn't really seem like it but she is a huge pot fan and spends half her days stoned. Not when she is filming but doing press or premieres she is generally buzzed.


  1. Derek Harvey2:48 AM

    Rose Byrne

  2. Derek Harvey2:49 AM

    continuing franchise X-Men
    ending franchise Neighbours

  3. chopp3:03 AM

    Not cool if she is breast feeding and even if she is not still not cool to be high no matter what the intoxicant when you have a small baby who depends on you.

  4. Felicity Jones?
    Inferno being the last part of the Da Vinci Code franchise and Rogue One as part of the ever expanding Star Wars universe
    She seems so low-key even though I've seen some pictures of her in premieres and press conferences with huge dilated pupils

  5. Hot Cola4:43 AM

    Gal Gadot

  6. bigbadboo5:26 AM

    Im a regular pot smoker.

    if you are pregnant or having kids/have kids YOU NEED TO STOP SMOKING POT. seriously. I am a huge pot fan, but once you decide to bring another life or lives into this world, you need to think of them first.

  7. My kids never would have lived to get out of diapers if mommy wasn't high.

  8. Like, forever?

    Relax. The kids are fine. You can be negligent and sober too.

  9. Wendy6:35 AM

    agree with the breatfeeding part but people have this assumption that pot makes you useless. To some of us it helps us focus and be more attentive. At least with me it does. It helps keep me calm too. I understand some people don't do well with weed but people have glasses of wine around their kids all the time, so smoking a bowl is about equivalent to a glass of wine and then hanging out with my kids (separately of course) isn't going to hurt them.

  10. Wendy6:36 AM

    lol do you say the same about alcohol too? I really hope so.

    Pot doesn't make everyone lazy and useless, it actually helps some people get things done, and be better parents.

  11. Wendy6:36 AM

    we are like minds lol i agree with everything you say.

  12. Nikki7:17 AM

    Booze is way worse than pot and if grown ups are responsible I see no issues with pot use. Also studies are showing disagreeable outcomes regarding breast milk and pregnancy and pot use. Many moms have used pot to help with morning sickness.

  13. Jennifer Lawrence. The Hunger Games series is over but Fox keeps grinding out those awful X-Men movies.

  14. Hayley10:22 AM

    I couldn't agree more. Weed actually inspires me to do things and be active. The bad rep has got to go

  15. Verbal Kint1:16 PM

    I use it for pain management. I was on morphine and oxy, prescribed by a pm dr. I gave it all up for pot. It works better and less side effects.

  16. "Also studies are showing disagreeable outcomes regarding breast milk and pregnancy and pot use."

    I guess this sentence makes sense if you're pothead mom?

  17. TGIDGAF6:15 PM

    She's said she's done with X-men.
