Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Blind Item #5

Apparently this foreign born A list mogul/reality star is ticked off that one of his former contestants is headed to the competition. The thing is the former reality star turned actress/singer once asked him if he could get her a judging gig and he said she wasn't right for it.


  1. Tricia1312:46 AM

    Simon Cowell/ Jennifer Hudson?

  2. Hothotheatl3:30 AM

    Or Fantasia. I'd agree with him if it's her.

  3. Stank5:24 AM

    It's Simon and Jennifer. She's on the Voice UK . They the Voice seem to have a better panel.

  4. Anywho6:54 AM

    Remember when Jennifer had that tragedy with her family. I'm so glad she's happy and working.
