Thursday, October 27, 2016

Blind Item #5

There could likely be some blow back because of a recent arrest. A woman was busted for being an escort. Apparently she was using a very very very high priced residence as her location. It is owned by this D list celebrity/reality star who has multiple celebrity offspring who are more famous. Apparently she was supposed to be exclusive with him, but wasn't.


  1. Tricia1312:47 AM

    Mohammed Hadid

  2. June Gordon1:38 AM

    It always makes me laugh when people talk about how "classy" Lisa Vanderpump is. She runs bars and her best friend is a pimp!

    My kinda folks, but still . . .

  3. Tricia131:58 AM

    And she probably sleeps with half the waitstaff(definitely Jax), as does her hubby:)

  4. Does Stephen Baldwin count?

  5. Hot Cola7:58 AM

    Lisa Vanp. Came from an English Market ( as in fruit & vegetables market) so "high class" she is no. Not that I'm Royalty myslef and nit that there is anythung wrong with that but its like calling a famliy of plumbers "high class"..

  6. Hot Cola7:59 AM


  7. Hortensia10:09 AM

    Bruce, uh Caitlyn for the D list celebrity.

  8. It's the accent, June. Pimpin' and whorin' is just classier when you're British (but ironically, not Cockney)!
