Monday, October 03, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #3

September 2, 2015

This former A- list mostly television actress from a hit network show that ended ages ago has turned into a C lister who is only that high because of the show and her ability to stay in the headlines because of news about her. She skipped out on a major event because she is so strung out on drugs she does not do anything but use and try and find more drugs to use.

Mischa Barton


  1. Rocky2:46 AM

    How cam such a pretty female live in a drug haze? There is nothing and no one worth her letting drugs rule her life like that. Such a horrible waste.
    Get off the dope girl that shot is gonna make you an old lady before you even and if you see 40.

  2. Mop top2:51 AM

    Duh. Why don't you just do a blind about her when there's something positive, like if she stays clean for a year. I think we're safe on that one, and it will be less time consuming for you Enty.

  3. Barbara RiceHand2:55 AM

    Drugs change a person. You do things you never thought possible. Also a fantastic way to drain ones bank account.


    1. C list? I beg to differ. D- at best.
    2. "She is only that high..." because she's stoned all the time. Has nothing to do with being 'high' on someone's imaginary list. Stick a fork in her, she's done.

  5. Derek Harvey6:46 AM

    Nailed it

  6. Barbara RiceHand7:58 AM

    #2... lmao. That high... hahahahaaa

  7. Derek's Anal Beads9:29 AM

    Ditto, gurl.

  8. SnarkIsFun11:38 AM

    Sad for her. Drugs are a terrible thing.

  9. LucidDreams3:03 PM

    Being pretty has nothing to do with addiction. Needing to get high can make the most sane person do things they never thought they would do.

  10. Susan4:17 AM

    I'm sure people don't want to be strung out on drugs. Most often, it takes once to get hooked does it not? You have to have people around you who care about you and be really strong to fight it. I'm sure this is NOT who she wants to be. Someone probably just wrote her off.
