Thursday, October 06, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #3

September 26, 2016

This A+ list mostly movie actress wants you to think she is perfect. Nope. She bribed her way on to several boards by giving them vast sums of money. Money that was supposed to go to charity. Oh, and also bought herself $1M in jewelry despite telling people the $1M went to charity.

Angelina Jolie


  1. Oh Enty, Angie wouldn't do that, don't you know she walks on water!!! (eye roll)

  2. What's another way of saying hypocrite?
    Oh, yeah! Two faced!

  3. Barbara RiceHand2:28 AM

    Wow. That's shitty. A million dollars worth of shitty.

  4. Here we go again. Depp redux.

  5. sandybrook2:32 AM

    St. Angie--not such a Saint. Not that she ever really was but we forget what a sordid past she has.

  6. snitty2:43 AM

    Does this mean Enty has opted in to Team Brad?

  7. Snarky Angel2:48 AM

    Oh AngieJo, you selfish, batshit crazy, psycho, lost girl... you reap what you sow. Those kids are going to be teens en mass soon, and the pay backs will begin. Karma is a mutha fukkah. Better stock up on the "H".


    I don't believe this. Can she sue you for publishing things that aren't true? Can you prove this? Don't think so.

  9. HH3143:07 AM

    No because this is a gossip site. And as much as I dislike Angie Jo, I don't believe it either. She never struck me as materialistic and jewelry-obsessed. Vain and manipulative, yes. Yesterday I was in the checkout lane and absolutely all tabloids headlines were like "Why i had to save my kids" or "Brad's double life as a druggie" etc. It is of course all sanctioned by her, and I think it will backfire if it hasn't already. Brad is actually liked by the public and his peers, while she is barely tolerated

  10. She has been in and out of mental institutes her whole life. She is as crazy as they get. She dresses her daughter up like a boy because she is jealous of her own child. She did this don't get it twisted.

  11. back again3:36 AM

    Angie's 'aides' supposedly tried to tell Melissa Etheridge to STFU because melissa was talking about her old friend Brad on WWHL & sang a lil' ditty about the situation.....Angie's 'aide' lol....idiot.

  12. anna from savannah4:31 AM

    Please list ALL the boards she 'bribed' to get on. It is the least you can do. This is all BS and you know it.

  13. Hilarious horseshit.

  14. Zilla14:54 AM

    It would be nice to see a source for this.

  15. The Troublemaker4:55 AM

    Most non-profit boards are packed with people who are there because they gave large donations.

  16. Kno Won Uno5:09 AM

    Exactly. You'd think an attorney would be aware of this common practice. Board positions are like ambassadorships.

  17. LauraOK5:23 AM

    Some facts: two examples, although being on a "board" is a broad term. There are more, but I'm not googling them all...

    St. Angie was appointed to all of her UN "positions" (which are solely honorary) after donating the largest accumulated sum ever donated to the UN.
    "The Special Envoy’s commitment to the organization is further demonstrated through her donations to UNHCR, amounting to more than $5 million since 2001."

    The 2017 "professorship" which is actually an unpaid position in which she speaks to the program four times, was funded and founded by Jolie and Hague (she didn't attend college herself, and this is a Master's program): "The LSE said the course will be run by its Centre for Women, Peace and Security, launched last year by Ms Jolie and Lord Hague."

    So, no one else is paying for her global efforts - she pays strategic agencies (from their foundation), and receives high profile volunteer "positions".

    Jewelry: "In 2014, People paid $2 million for the Jolie-Pitt wedding photos. But the magazine doesn’t appear on MJP Foundation filings. However, Asprey, the jewelry company that has commissioned designs from the couple, does." (They claimed the payment for pics would go to their foundation.) Link is at the end of this looonger than I anticipated post.

    So, Kudos to her for taking (most) of her funds from negotiated pap/magazine pictures of the children and placing them in a foundation to help others. Up to us to decide if it seems she's used this process to help elevate herself into positions that make her appear to be more politically powerful than she actually is in any sense.

    And, unfortunately, Pitt's earnings are off the table, and she's fresh out of hew adoptee pics to keep money flowing into the foundation. Jolie IS in fact asking for permanent support's buried in all the other mess, but it's there. It's all unseemly, manipulative, cunning, with a touch of evil -- in my opinion.

    This is a good article, even if it's the NYP, because bits and pieces have been substantiated elsewhere:

  18. Dina Lohan5:35 AM

    We all know it's Angie. We all know bitch is crazy. We all know you work for her.

  19. LauraOK5:38 AM

    I tried to post sources for all of this...I'm in moderation! I have no idea why...

  20. Toppermadison5:57 AM

    Unless you have a vested interest (say, run a branch office of the organization) board members are always selected for their ability to donate and to recruit their rich friends to donate.

  21. LauraOK6:11 AM

    Agree, Trouble, but they usually have more qualifications than simply donations. I've never seen anyone who didn't have a college degree on the kinds she's on. Even though they are all honorary, and unpaid in her case, she's a Special Envoy for the UN, she's going to speak four times for a post-Master's Degree program at the London School of Economics. (She helped fund the program with Hague.) But, doesn't it sound better to say she is a Special Envoy for the UN and a Visiting Professor? Jolie is not as qualified, or as important on the global stage as she pretends to be...she pays to be there. I hope my original post (with sources) comes out of moderation.

  22. Penelope26:24 AM

    Are you sure she didn't donate large sums of money and was invited onto the boards? Her on a board would bring HUGE attention to a charity, and it's nice that she donates. She gets nothing from offering her time for free, people don't see her movies because she's philanthropic, and nothing about her says she's the type to 1. spend money on jewelry for herself, especially such large sums, or 2. use these organizations to line her own pockets.

    I think someone who just doesn't like her is making up complaints. If someone donated millions to my charity, of course I'd be happy to have her on our board, especially if doing so brings more attention to my cause.

    Disgruntled board member-wannabes should shush up, they won't bring as much to the table.

  23. Dina Lohan7:10 AM

    Her publicist should shush up.

  24. Lynne7:25 AM

    Council on Foreign Relations

  25. texasrose8:07 AM

    Who knows if true or not but I see Brad's pr people are trying to earn their money.

  26. Yeah, well, I wish ME *would* STFU. BRAD stopped talking to her over a decade ago. BRAD cheated on his wife and left her for another woman. BRAD is apparently not such a nice guy. So why is her problem with Angie?

  27. Hey Enty - what is your take on that video of Angelina possibly discussing participating in an Illuminati ritual that's racked up 2 million + views on youtube: youtube ? Is this for real? I couldn't tell if it might just be her talking about sadomasochinsm, but the part in the end where she says she "had to kill her snake" made me wonder ….

  28. Laura Palmer12:23 PM

    Lisa, do you really think so? Is this a narcissist thing? Shiloh is gorgeous...omigod, these kids are going to end up like jacksons.

  29. Laura Palmer12:37 PM

    Kill her snake?...WTF? Can Angelina Jolie even properly write a paragraph with punctuation and everything? ...pfft... She's lost her man and now she is trying to kill him...she should go back with him and the do a Gwennie later .it's just going to ruin her in the public eye, and damage Brads brand, though not as badly because women everywhere are rejoicing his freedom and are longing to see him out banging down doors with his dick, and playing hijinx with his good time buddies one more time before he's too old to rock it.

  30. Laura Palmer2:11 PM

    Has to be surreal for the 50,000 a year cps therapist to walk into a fan reunion with Brad" come on dad, let's go play in the submarine and then we can show the cops lady our diamond collection.

  31. Laura Palmer2:11 PM

    Has to be surreal for the 50,000 a year cps therapist to walk into a family reunion with Brad" come on dad, let's go play in the submarine and then we can show the cops lady our diamond collection.

  32. Laura Palmer2:12 PM

    Sorry for the double was trying to correct stupid spell check.

  33. Diana9:54 AM

    Wow. There are a lot of angry commenters on here. LMAO Enty knocks off her halo and her fans lose their shit. Hilarious.
