Sunday, October 30, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #4

October 19, 2016

While her A- list actor ex seems to be thriving with his many new women after the split, his A- list actress ex is having a lot of issues dealing with the fallout and has not been eating or sleeping and I think within the next few weeks she is going to have some type of rage interview where she just unleashes everything she knows.

Liev Schreiber/Naomi Watts


  1. texasrose2:11 AM

    As if everyone doesn't already know it.

  2. blankonit2:25 AM

    he's so plain looking, I dont get it.

  3. nancer2:33 AM

    he's not plain. he's a really good actor and he has a presence. you have to watch him to 'get it', because i have and i do.

  4. Mop top2:53 AM

    Poor thing. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. I feel her pain, I really do. Most productive action for me was to get some counseling and find out why I thought his behavior was acceptable.

  5. Zilla13:31 AM

    Do it, gurrrrrrl.

  6. Sadie4:35 AM

    Naomi puts some cute pictures up on her Instagram account. Looks happy in those.

    I don't get Liev either. Looks like the Missing Link to me.

  7. This. ^^

  8. Melissa7:50 AM

    He looks and comes across as a smug, selfish jerk...talented actor sure...but does he come off as a nice person, not at all.

  9. The movie they met, The Painted Veil, he plays a seductive cad (really good movie by the way). I find him attractive, not a knockout, but his voice and confidence combine IMO.

  10. John Paterson11:47 AM

    Most women would be attracted to him. He's not classically handsome, but he has a distinctive and unique look to him as well as a natural confidence.

  11. He's sexy, but you can tell he's a mess. Women aren't like men, looks aren't everything

  12. Lag airily1:34 PM

    Yea well I'm a woman and not in least attracted ugh the whole time I watched the Diane lane Woodstock movie I was yelling Diane rum off with Vigo ..she goes back to live and I was ugh this movie us unbelievable
    He is just gross looking

  13. What is "everything she knows"? Does anyone know? I'm curious. He is attractive (mainly voice and confidence/presence) but there's something off about him...

  14. Penelope23:50 AM

    He's famous so he'll always have options. She is gorgeous though, so should move on. I'm in the "he looks like the missing link and not in a sexy caveman way" camp.
