Monday, October 31, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #5

October 21, 2016

In an attempt to change the recent narrative about him, this A+ list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee has his PR team sending out several story ides daily to the tabloids in hopes they will reprint them and start talking about the wonderful guy he wants people to believe he is.

Leonardo DiCaprio


  1. sandybrook3:36 AM

    Think of all the models he's made successful and agencies he's keeping in business. Not to mention all the Pussy Posse members he's keeping in the news who wouldn't be if they weren't in the Posse.

  2. Guesser4:54 AM

    He makes the agency pay him though. With the bad publicity, he won't be getting the A list models he's used to.

  3. Merrick6:36 AM

    Casey Affleck is currently doing the exact same thing to make people forget about his lawsuits.

  4. Guesser8:01 AM

    @Merrick people have to remember Casey first.

  5. Hot Cola8:56 AM

    If your an A+ List Hollywood star = your not a 'wounderful' guy. Simple fact.

  6. glly-yo9:14 AM

    National Treasure Tom Hanks being the exception...???

  7. mitchoet9:35 AM

    when will he come out? or are we looking at the 21st century rock hudson?

  8. longtimereader4:30 AM

    When he stops being a list or doesn't give a f*** anymore. Cruise and travolta will go to the grave in the closet, just like newman.
