Sunday, October 30, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #7

October 20, 2016

Maybe this recent incident will cause this A+ list reality star to do a 180 on the way she treats people. At a recent fashion show, everyone just wanted her to leave because she was being rude to almost everyone who encountered her or interacted with her.

Kim Kardashian


  1. sandybrook3:37 AM

    Maybe the robbery will do a better job. She seems to not want to be in the public eye right now because of it. Meanwhile the other hos have stepped it up big time to make up for her.

  2. June Gordon3:49 AM

    Maybe her mother can stage another "crime" to get sympathy for her.

    Preferably something more Manson than Hearst.

  3. Alabama4:05 AM

    I'm not a K family fan. However, I've heard she is actually very professional. Always on time, polite, nice. I can't remember that last person who I read or heard said it but it was someone surprising who had no reason to kiss their asses whatsoever. If anything he sounded a bit embarassed he had to work with her. Point being....Kim has a good rep. Some of the others not so much.

  4. ^^^^^^Looks like Kris has not only red arrow minions, but commenting ones as well.

  5. parissucksliterally4:46 AM

    I will never believe that robbery really happened. Too many versions of the story, and all of it unbelievable. First it was 7 minutes total, now it is being reported as an hour.
    She broke out of zip ties, by herself? And left no marks on her wrists or ankles? A cross worth 30k was found lying on the street almost 2 weeks later? And the video of men on bikes was supposed to prove she was robbed?

    Such lies. All for a storyline and sympathy.

  6. Most people who comment on this site will agree. Kim became famous for making a sex tape with Ray J. Kris sold Her daughters sex tape for profit. Porn is prostitution only with an audience. Kim is a prostitute. Since the family money and fame come from a prostitute They are the first family of porn.

  7. Tiggytiti5:46 AM

    Agree Lisa. All you have to do is look at Kylie. She's a basic 18 year old porn star by design-- with PMK getting 10% of course.

  8. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob6:00 AM

    I love how liberals in this site think that making a sextape with your current boyfriend is the same as prostitution, with all due respect to prostitutes, who do a job most of them do not like (as 99% of the population) and earn more than the median income for an hour.

  9. Anna From Savannah6:13 AM

    It would take a week to write all of the very bizarre events of that night. Kim alone? Girlfriend upstairs? She's in bed (one assumes alone) and her family and bodyguards at some disco or something. No kids. No Kanye. I am fair certain that the French government will inform her that they never want her or her wanton crowd to ever step foot on their soil again. She brought enormous damage to that city and that country. Not that she cares!

  10. Anna From Savannah6:16 AM

    If the French government find she staged this event herself, she will never be allowed to set foot on French soil again. She really hurt the image of Paris enormously. Not that she cares.

  11. PoniTayl6:20 AM

    FFS *SMH

  12. I agree ... And her low profile is intended to increase 'demand' for her story and brand. Or to let some new procedure settle

  13. Bigger than you6:54 AM

    What does that have to do with liberals? What a dumb comment. PMK was the one who set up the sex tape.

  14. Melissa7:40 AM

    WHO CARES. I am only commenting to say MAYBE just MAYBE if every website STOPS talking about these disgusting, trashy skanks...they will go away.
    Kim is a disgusting whore as is the Godzilla one, the young one is a disaster and the one has mad kids with a loser. So yeah...losers all around. GO AWAY.

  15. What does anyone actually expect from that side show of a family or anyone else from Cali-I-phony-ia?

  16. George W.8:53 AM

    Well the Ktrash and CrookedClintons should have a funeral and mourn their phony, disgusting, famewhoring , corrupt selves because they all done real soon.

  17. Hortensia9:17 AM

    The French police are taking the reported crime very seriously.
    There have been other similar crimes in Paris.
    There was no camera, no buzzer on the door of the hotel, and one night manager who was forced, at gun point, to open Kardashian's door. With that lax of security why wouldn't Kardashian put her jewels in the hotel safe?

  18. Amen!9:28 AM
    Doesn't look good Hillary a her thugs when... I'm betting out of 650,000 there's probably one that isn't asking Huma to pick up some oval tine before she gets home and comes to bed?

  19. suzanne9:41 AM

    I don't give a fuck who Hillary sleeps with. If that lunatic orangutan gets in the Oval Office, you can kiss the country goodbye.

  20. PoniTayl9:53 AM


  21. Amen!9:54 AM

    Suzanne not many people give a fuck who she sleeps with- hasn't been her husband for over 40 years which expands in part- his having sex with interns in the Oval Office - which used to mean something. I think people may have an issue with her lying under oath(like hubby) misleading the FBI and being an overall con artist /crook over a .very. long. period. But like the kennedys got theirs (sadly some had to to die young) so are the clintons. And that's just the way it is with scum like them

  22. and in other Earth shattering news...water is wet.

  23. Cherry10:52 AM

    I agree. There is virtually nothing this family wouldn't do for publicity.

  24. Who the Clintons? I agree too,

  25. Anna From Savannah12:17 PM

    It is 10:15 PM in NYC as I write this, and the front page (on-line) of the N Y Post has a story asking if, perhaps, Kim's ice cream outing this week was, hold on for it, staged!!! What in heaven's name would ever cause anyone with an IQ of a box of hair to ask such a question! Oh, and Kim won't be attending the gala in her father's honor in November. Yeah, right.

  26. More like have Huma pick up a bottle of wine or vodka.

  27. I'd rather have an orangutan than a career criminal in the oval office.

  28. "A+ list reality star" is a no.

  29. Peanut, it's not about MAKING the porn tape, it's SELLING it. It's not prostitution, but the point is she ho'ed out for fame.

  30. Porn is sex in exchange for money. Prostitution is sex in exchange for money. No difference.

  31. hunter2:07 PM

    I'm not a paid PMK rep and I'm embarrassed to be supporting KK here, but Alabama is correct as to Kim's professional reputation. I expected this blind to maybe be about Khloe or any other A-list reality celeb (who?) but not Kim.

  32. French girl6:23 PM

    The commentaries are full of trolls,racists idiots here

  33. Bibsee11:41 PM

    She sold the tape for profit. She is a prostitute. You're acting like she sat eating cookies and milk on that tape or made it for sentimental private value. She made it for public consumption and money. That is SEX WORK. Deal.

  34. You said it, French Girl. Sickening bunch.

  35. Where is the racism, FrenchGirl? Where?

  36. Malibuborebee6:17 AM

    More of the stupid lies that the right-wing has been telling about the Clintons for years.

    You're just sore losers, as usual. I can't wait for November 8th.

  37. Malibuborebee6:19 AM

    Liar. The Daily Mail is not a credible source for anything. The Daily Mail is a fishwrapper.

    Hillary's still going to beat that fat organge fuck and there's nothing you can do about it.

  38. Whoopsy doozy!6:21 AM

  39. Malibuborebee6:21 AM

    Why would she choose that hotel in the first place?

    To stage a robbery there.

    I hate these fuckikng Kardashians. Each one is as bad as the last, if not worse. Given that their father helped OJ get away with murder, their lack of ethics isn't surprising.

  40. Whoopsy doozy!6:27 AM

    looks likes getting caught for giving crooked hillary debate questions in advance (and her naturally accepting them with no moral dilemma *snort*)cost you your job at CNN.
    Tsk tsk

  41. I noticed frenchgirl had no reply as most flatulent, blow hard liberals don't when they realize they have said something that makes absolutely zero sense and can't back it up. Everyone is racist except Muslims - who systematically and continually destroy your country (if you actually are from France and respect its culture). November 8 is the best day we will have seen for a long time because the vulture, parasite, shifty, lawlessness that has pervaded the collective world will begin to -end. Eradicating itself from pussy footed, Muslim presidents without a backbone and the fringe members of society that were and will always be- fighting a cause they know nothing about and losing a bigger battle called -world awareness. French Citizens should know better, they basically handed over their legacy, one if the worlds most beautiful countries and the oldest form of democracy (along with Greece) to a Muslim/terroristic culture.

  42. I made a mistake*attempt to systematically destroy the world*, your country only being one.
    You cool with that?

  43. sunshine12:41 AM

    Lol at Malibu hating Trump. Of course you'd hate a real alpha've probably been made fun of and rejected by them your entire fat, ugly and miserable life. I bet you look a lot like Hillary. Fat, permanent scowl, and I also bet you're like her personality wise....oh wait we know you are! So no surprise there. Maybe you'd better get ready in case he wins. Stock up on cat food and ice cream so you can cry in your lonely hoarder hovel. It's obvious you want Hillary so she will flood the nation with violent rapist Islamic filth because maybe, just maybe, one of them will be hard up enough to give you some action. Even the squat Aztec peasants won't do that job!

    The only good thing about Hillary as president would be the inevitable nuclear war wiping garbage like you out. I may die too (but I'm also a craaazy paranoid right winger nazi prepper so I think my odds are better than yours) but that's ok. See ya in hell...from heaven you useless bitch!

  44. You know what, 'Frank'? YOU just answered your own question.
    French girl need not reply.
    Do you not know what racism is? Just look in the mirror, if you can stand it.

  45. Sunshine, my ass. There's really, really something wrong with you.
