Thursday, October 06, 2016

Today's Blind Items -The Killer

Short and sweet. Things are not adding up in the statements given by doctors and others close to this now deceased permanent A+ list singer.Eyes are now turning towards a very very close family member who was ensuring that the singer would die.


  1. Tricia133:11 AM


  2. MontanaMarriott3:11 AM

    MJJ or Whitney?

  3. sandybrook3:11 AM

    David Bowie/Iman

  4. MontanaMarriott3:13 AM

    You're probably right I keep forgetting about Prince.
    But who would this be? His sister lived in LA which is no where near where he lived in Minneapolis.

  5. Salaam3:13 AM

    My first guess also, though I would hate to think Iman is involved.

  6. Tricia133:13 AM

    His sister has been speaking out

  7. Salaam3:15 AM

    Though I wonder if assisted suicide could be what they are looking into. I could see Iman viewing that as something humanitarian, and could also see Bowie not wanting to live in a vegetative/less than full life state.

  8. Salaam3:17 AM

    And here's the link to the assisted suicide story, published a couple weeks ago in the Daily Mail

  9. sandybrook3:19 AM

    I've always thought it wasn't co-incidental he died as soon as the album was released.

  10. MontanaMarriott3:21 AM

    WOOOOOW Now that would be scandalous.

  11. ChristineM3:24 AM


  12. ChristineM3:26 AM

    or Bowie...i like either's probably Bowie though

  13. Tiggytiti3:27 AM

    Yep, his death struck me as planned. If true that she assisted Bowie, what a loving selfless person Iman is.

  14. longtimereader3:33 AM

    Husband and wife agreed after a long, terminal illness, don't have a problem with this at all.

  15. back again3:51 AM

    ay yay yay..... remember that last picture taken of him smiling on his birthday(i think or the opening of his show?) Such a great shot of him-he was ill but smiling wide...he planned his album release his show opening & the birthday pics of him so this wouldn't surprise me..he had it all planned out.Absolutely no judgement on Iman re: whatever went on -they loved each other.

  16. I hope my husband would have the courage to do that if I requested it. Real love till the very end, those two.

  17. anna from savannah4:22 AM

    First of all, I am NOT in Savannah at this time. Lived through 15 hurricanes in my lifetime all over the place. Not fun. Second, if you have ever witnessed an assisted death, it is something you never, ever get over. To see your best friend smiling in bed giving you the last hug and kiss you'll ever get from them, it chills your soul for years. Many people with long-term AIDS finally throw in the towel and say, 'Enough.' This happened in 1996 and I still cry. Whomever this is, I hope they finally found peace.

  18. Cnote4:33 AM


  19. Zilla14:48 AM

    According to some of the people working with him, Bowie still had plans for another album and was working towards that. I find it hard to believe it's him.

  20. Prince died without a will, so the fighting between potential heirs has begun.

    Early in the summer of 2016, at an industry event, i met an asset manager from B of A/Merrill Lynch. We talked at length about how Prince is an example for her of a wealthy person who didn't protect his assets properly while he was alive.
    She said because he died sans will or directive, it could take years to unwind and disperse his estate.

    So sad.

  21. The Troublemaker4:52 AM

    Prince was found dead collapsed on the floor of an elevator. Probably not how a loved one would see him out to the afterlife. Bowie makes sense.

  22. Whatever5:12 AM

    Agree that this is far more like to be Bowie (or maybe even Whitney) than Prince's sister.

  23. Kno Won Uno5:18 AM

    I think it would be great for the issue, though. Forcing people to exist in unbearable, untreatable pain is simple torture and even more barbaric than forcing women to take a pregnancy to term.
    It's way past time for society to address this. Too many people spend too many hours, days, months, internally screaming because there is no escape from their bodies.
    I can't imagine a greater evil to inflict on a fellow human.

  24. Kno Won Uno5:19 AM

    Such a gift she gave him, if that's what happened.

  25. Kno Won Uno5:21 AM

    IDK...if you're pushing someone into another dimension, how tenderly must it be done?
    I'm just saying that someone who would literally kill him, might not care where he was found, especially if it seemed more accidental that way.

  26. Guesser5:43 AM

    People with terminal cancer can take a turn for the worse without notice..Most likely ,if Bowie, was likely just an increase in morphine as he was likely in great pain. Notice Enty's headline making us think it was a murder for money.Since he died on a Sunday evening, a lot of people thought it was assisted suicide from the beginning.Check the song Girl loves me on Blackstar. Also, it's possible his son was in charge of this,only saying that because he may not have wanted to put her through it,not because of money. Unlike Sting, he always stated he wanted to leave his children a lot of money. ,

  27. Toppermadison6:00 AM


    Is nothing sacred anymore?


  28. Miss b6:16 AM

    If she did, God bless her and her strength.

  29. Agreed 100%

  30. Tricia137:20 AM

    Thanks for share@david. He was/is one of my favorite artists of all time , same for Bowie. Not sure which if either it is....but I really do feel sorrow for Prince having not set up his estate etc and addressed his passing if in fact he saw it coming. He was so guarded, and according to a blind, very discriminate and cautious about who used his trademarked music, sampled from him etc...which Maks me think it was all about his artistry, not the Money really. But that's what he was.

  31. Southern Smartass9:10 AM

    Well said, Kno

  32. Scandi Sanskrit10:27 AM

    If that's true and that is the case, why didn't they relocate to a jurisdiction where it's not illegal? It's not illegal in the Netherlands (and Belgium, IIRC) in Europe, and there's at least one state in the US where it's also not illegal (can't remember which, the one featured on "Vice").

    I can see Yoko being that way too, but then people would just vilify her and label her a "Dragon Lady".

  33. Scandi Sanskrit10:31 AM

    I pretty much grew up watching my paternal grandmother live with a stroke for 17 years until her death. And it wasn't the occasional/annual holiday visit, either. Our family owns two houses in the same neighbourhood and she'd live with grandfather in the other house. I saw the whole thing, not on a daily basis but still. I was relieved for her (and everyone when she passed).

    She wouldn't go through physiotherapy, I think she was clinically depressed during that time. It's undignified and cruel.

  34. Laura Palmer12:17 PM

    When my mom was dying from lung cancer and in a coma , my aunt came over and wanted me to put a pillow over her face.

    I couldn't do it...but I wasn't outraged, I understood.

    If my mom had wanted it , perhaps..

  35. Gary Burnaska12:52 PM

    I will also not be surprised if some controversial details about Christina Grimmie emerges, we find out that the hospital not her on a respirator but she would be in a vegetative state and the family signed a DNR order or something.

  36. why do you say that? just curious

  37. hunter1:48 PM


  38. I ate my own head4:22 PM

    Bowie had cancer so if she helped him so what? I think It's Prince because his relatives all seem insane in that Jackson family sort of way.

  39. Whitney and her sister in law Pam who was also her manager.

  40. Guesser12:58 AM

    Interesting, if you reread the blind, it could be taken this way, if Whitney wasn't alone, she would have survived. Everyone knew she was in a bad way the night before, pictures all over of her stumbling and sweaty.Comments on gossip blogs that the next time we hear about her ,she would be dead. And she's in a bathtub, supposedly alone. Was her sister in law there? Whitney,more than the others, was worth more dead than alive.

  41. monkee4:11 AM

    I agree Kno Won Uno. As it is doctors that assist patients pass on do so under the guise of "pain management", just giving them a little too much morphine until they stop breathing. Considering this is a common thing to do in hospice and intensive care situations you'd think we'd stop the hypocrisy and just let people who are terminal decide for themselves when the time is right.

  42. mika713:18 AM

    I think this is more likely referring to Prince, otherwise, why the reference to short and sweet? And if the item is titled The Killer, that hardly alludes to something as benevolent as assisting someone who is suffering horribly. The cameras at his place were apparently turned off the night he died. Prince was fastidious about his work and how it should be used, if he was planning to be offed, I doubt he would have left his estate in complete turmoil as it is now.

  43. BoomBoof7:09 AM

    "...and even more barbaric than forcing women to take a pregnancy to term." Not that I was particularly against assisted suicide, but I never thought of it like this. So true.
