Thursday, November 03, 2016

Blind Item #11

This foreign born A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner is a little young to be so addicted to fillers and botox.


  1. Tricia134:31 AM

    Eddy Redymane

  2. sandybrook4:32 AM


  3. Tricia134:38 AM

    Saw a sec of him on Ellen. Very charming guy, but super "Dewey"looking. Probably just clean living but it's enty lol

  4. his new wig is very much noticeable and not a good one for someone like him with the means to get a proper wig maker (or hayplus or whatever that death rat looking thing over his head could be)

  5. S.D.AUNTIE1:26 PM

    @pta. Is he bald? Had no clue

  6. Sadie5:05 PM

    Redcarpet's a redhead and he's aging at the speed of light. Saw him on Graham Norton and he is shockingly wrinkly for somebody so young.

  7. Sadie5:06 PM

    I thought that must be a wig. Nobody's hair grows like that except Seth Myers but I assume that's a wig too.

  8. Clarisse McClellan11:03 AM

    I just had to look up the video of Eddie on Ellen. I don't know about the work, but I can tell you he struggled to "remember" marrying his wife, how long they were together, why she late, where they went for their honeymoon....

    "we went... we went... uh, we went skiing actually..." Uh huh.
