Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Blind Item #12

If you are this celebrity offspring B+ list actress hoping for another season of your show who is also a frequent drug user, it might be best to actually move your still hot to the touch meth pipe from the center cup holder and put it in a glove box. If you did that, valets wouldn't notice it. Probably. Oh, and the burn marks on your fingers are getting out of control. That is coming from me, and not the valet. I don't think he noticed. The valets there that night all think you are a very good tipper.


  1. sandybrook4:48 AM

    Emma Roberts?

  2. Emma Roberts

  3. Hot Cola5:01 AM

    WTF, is that like a county requirement? You want to live in L.A. you gotta waste yourself on drugs? Don't get it.
    These kids are given every opportunity in life and they still waste it away.
    What's in the water/ their parantes milk?

  4. Los Angeles has no where near the nation's highest drug use. And please, when dissing Hollywood (which is a neighborhood, not a city and has little to do with the entertainment industry) do not draw the rest of Los Angeles into it.

  5. May be confusing 'drug problem' with 'prevalence'. Sure, there are other cities with higher per capita incidences of drug-related arrests, but the entertainment industry and all its support industries certainly rank up there as having a high prevalence. Hollytown has money, is elitist, and it's culture is 'secluded' so you don't see the arrests for drug crimes there that you do in other high-prevalence drug areas so we don't think of it as a high drug crime area.

  6. Sharper Teeth7:37 AM

    Katie Cassidy came to mind

  7. monkee7:45 AM

    Puhlease, middle America is high on meth and heroin. You can't throw a rock without hitting someone trying to score opiates to stop their withdrawals because they've gotten hooked on pain pills. Firefighters all over America make sure they have Naloxone on them before they go on emergency calls, and they have to use it daily.

  8. Fame attracts two types - the desperate and the predatory. Not a great combination.

  9. GoTrollUrSelf10:35 AM

    Or step over an overdose in a 7-11. It's true - there are more heroin dealers than Starbucks

  10. back again10:36 AM

    it's pretty much everywhere from Vt. to Hawaii & all the States in between-it's an epidemic ...and that's what all the Emergency Teams are carrying-- the 24 Hr. Drug Stores has it at the ready according to a friend of mine in the Fire Dept.(in my area anyway)...very troublesome.

  11. Yep...live in middle America and everyday we're finding out about another meth house that was busted. Know of a few people who have overdosed on heroin too....its ridiculous.

  12. Bet they started down drug road with marijuana

  13. +1 Shar.

    And I have to ask how many of you report the drug usage you know about to the police? It's a CRIME to use drugs, one which leads to so much violence and societal breakdown, but how many of you do your part and report that crime?

  14. NYCStudent11:40 PM

    Shar gets it! Thank you for speaking up.

  15. UGHREALLY2:57 PM

    I mean, people are more likely to go on to a use hard drugs after taking DARE classes than they are after smoking pot but you go ahead.
