Saturday, November 26, 2016

Blind Item #1

This former awful actress turned reality star is going to keep having babies like a Duggar since there is a $1M incentive for each child from her wealthy family.


  1. Derek Harvey1:00 AM

    tori spelling

  2. Cindy Who?1:11 AM

    Tori Spelling

  3. Alabama1:39 AM

    Really? That makes no sense.
    Also family would be Candy & her brother...more like her wealthy mother or family member not family.

  4. RenShaw1:41 AM

    Sounds like Tori alright. But I don't get this. It will only dilute the finite amount of money Candy is leaving in a trust to each kid. Please let it be a trust accessible when they go to college which pays the school and when they turn 30 so the parents can't raid the kids.

  5. Barbara RiceHand1:42 AM

    She waited a long time between these last pregnancies if it's tori spelling. Why would her stingy mom give her money for another baby.

  6. Alabama2:08 AM

    Like I said....this makes no sense.

  7. GoTrollUrSelf2:28 AM

    Too bad it's an actress, or I'd have said Hillaria. Shouldn't she be pregnant again soon?

  8. sandybrook3:53 AM

    Since bitch is 43, she better be saving up her money for surrogates after the one gets birthed.

  9. If this is Tori, I doubt the doctors will let her have many more. This will be her 5th c-section wouldn't it? Isn't that really bad for you?

  10. Hothotheat11:08 PM

    Nicki Hilton, to be different
