Monday, November 21, 2016

Blind Item #6 - American Music Awards

The plastic surgery done on this singer/actress/Tony Award winner is extensive. I think she went overboard trying to stay young looking for her soon to be future husband.


  1. Tricia1312:01 AM

    Idina Menzel

  2. Salaam12:12 AM

    Shame, because I always thought Idina was attractive (not to mention talented as all get out) without all the work.

  3. TiggyTea12:12 AM

    Yep +1

  4. Tricia1312:22 AM

    She is very talented - she looks the same to me(not very different)than when I met her while she was doing RENT, I think she has nominal work maybe?

  5. Guesser12:56 AM

    @tricia13, if she looks the same as she did doing Rent, she must of had a lot of work done! It looked like botox though, her eyes were bugged out, and her mouth looked funny. And don't get me started on the dress.

  6. sandybrook1:18 AM

    I think there was a blind here a long time ago that she tried to fudge and conceal her real age because she didn't want people to know she was in her forties

  7. S.D.AUNTIE1:41 AM

    Indina's face did look off @AMA's. It looks like to much lip filler. I saw her in Rent too and she has true talent

  8. SkittleKitty2:18 AM

    This video of her doesn't show much (if any) work done to her face. Is referring to other parts (breasts, lipo)?

  9. @sandy there was a blind about her getting work done because of her divorce.

  10. Tricia133:20 AM

    @Guessed - true enough the dress was not great- I guess it's better put when she was younger(mid 20's I think when she did show)she looked more mature- like an older young woman if that makes sense-now she sort of fits her age I think? She did look waxy though:(

  11. Tricia133:21 AM

