Friday, November 11, 2016

Blind Item #8

I guess she is used to it from what seems all of her past relationships but this former A+ list mostly movie actress turned A+/A lister is being cheated on by her significant other. Sometimes I feel like she knows about all this cheating but doesn't care unless it becomes public. Not really an open relationship, but a keep it quiet and you can do what you like.


  1. Tricia1312:46 AM

    Reese Witherspoon

  2. Tricia1312:52 AM

    Or by use of SO maybe Jodie Foster

  3. sandybrook12:52 AM


  4. Hothotheat1:03 AM

    Witherspoon is married, not her. Sandra B?

  5. back again1:03 AM

    OT:have you seen the ads for the new ID series "The Truth Is Stranger Than Florida"?
    made me chuckle-thought of you & @Tricia

  6. back again1:04 AM

    good guess and that totally sucks if true-i like Sandra B.

  7. Sandra D1:08 AM

    weird how some people are more jealous about their kids being with a nother mom than about their husbands cheating

  8. sandybrook1:11 AM

    nope, never even heard of this show. Maybe they won't run these ads here? Actually there had been so many political ads like 4 out of every 5 for so long, I've only started seeing regular ads again since Wednesday--I missed my ambulance chaser and auto dealership ads!

  9. Tricia131:21 AM

    @BA no I haven't lol....
    I thought of sandy bullock too(who I hope it's not)but Briannis a boyfriend of just over a year ,little more... could be.Also thought of Renee Z. (Been with her guy for yeeears) but not sure she A+|A (unless BJD did much better than I think)

  10. longtimereader2:15 AM

    Sandy has a beard.

  11. Gina Catone3:24 AM

    Jennifer Aniston

  12. Hot Cola11:21 AM

    That relationship doesn't seem real at all, if it is Sandy B.
