Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Blind Item #8

The bazillionaire husband of this B list mostly television actress/producer strong armed a bunch of companies to give millions of dollars in product and money to make a charity event for his wife a success. Rumor is it he kept the money for himself and some of the best products/auction items.


  1. Salaam12:48 AM

    Jami Gertz?

  2. Tricia1312:49 AM

    Eva Longoria

  3. That Baby2Baby gala had auction items.

  4. GoTrollUrSelf12:58 AM

    Robert F Kennedy Jr's only worth $50 million. I don't think that's considered a bazillion, is it?

  5. Josh Baskin12:59 AM

    Jamie Gertz is a good guess her husband is worth 1.2 billion, Eva's 12 million.

  6. Salaam1:04 AM

    Gertz is the only TV actress I could think of that even comes close to having a husband in that stratosphere of wealth. I don't know that she is a regular producer in addition to acting, though with that kind of money, I would think she'd have to be involved in some behind the scenes stuff.

  7. Jamie has 1 producer credit from years ago and Eva has about 20 and a few projects happening now. It's probably who the blind is supposed to be and the use of gazillionare was more a term of exaggeration?

  8. back again1:25 AM

    +1-- The Eva Longoria Foundation Dinner in Beverly Hills Monday Night,Nov.11th...a billionaire wouldn't need to pocket the gifts/money(unless for the thrill) & besides,they're the ones giving these big money items..but a guy who's only worth $12 million would feasibly think about it.-Normally,$12M is nothing to sneeze at but that's not that much in the land of the rich & the famous...that said, if Enty knows about this fraud then many others would too--these 'donations' can be forensically accounted for if they suspect anything.,,(& I think Enty presumed that Jose Baston was worth more than $12M since he's president of Televisa).

  9. Toppermadison1:50 AM

    I totally read it as Salma Hayek.

  10. Hothotheat2:15 AM

    @topper No way is Salma mostly television.

  11. Googler6:54 AM

    Jamie Gertz Lime Orchard Productions, two recent films, three in development.

  12. NoseyNeighbor8:41 AM

    I didn't see any producer credits on her Wikipedia page and I was too lazy to check IMDB but there is Jolene Blalock. Her husband is CEO of Live Nation. She played T'Pol on Star Trek Enterprise.
