Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Blind Item #9

This studio spent a record amount of money to get the star of their upcoming tent pole movie a very public accolade. Usually it is just about the right favors. This time though it came down to cash. A lot of it.


  1. sandybrook2:49 AM


  2. Long Island Girl2:50 AM

    Dwayne Johnson/sexiest man alive?

  3. GoTrollUrSelf2:53 AM

    I think you got it, @Long Island Girl

  4. GoTrollUrSelf2:55 AM

    I had to pause and consider what "tent pole" meant here. While I was dismissing porn, I sort of lost interest.

  5. Sadie5:38 AM

    "Tentpole" is a movie that the studio thinks will be a blockbuster (like Moana) and likely to generate profit-making spin-offs.

    The Rock

  6. The Rock does nothing for me :( I think after I saw a wrestling commercial and the crazy eyes/face there was no hope of sex appeal left. Now he's an actor ....and still I've got nothing.

  7. Shorny6:57 AM

    The Rock was extremely hot for a long time. I think now, he's a great star who can easily carry a film, no matter the quality, which is the problem. He needs better films. The Fast series was good, but it wasn't his franch. And does anyone believe that People democratically elects anyone to be Sexiest Alive? C'mon, the popular vote, and the true -ahem- winner would be way different.

  8. The answer, obviously, is WD Animation Studios. Not Dwayne Johnson. :)
